Amulet of Dragonmarked Focus

Aura: Moderate Transmutation; CL: 6th

Slot: Neck; Price: 4,500 gp (+1), 18,000 gp (+2), 40,000 (+3), 72,000 (+4); Wgt: -

Special Notes / Rules: Dragonmarked

Source: ECB, pg. 260


These amulets are attuned to one specific type of true dragonmark (Mark of Healing, Mark of Warding, etc). When worn by a person that has that true dragonmark, the amulet gives an enchantment bonus to the caster level of any spell-like abilities from that true dragon mark by a certain amount; either +1, +2, +3 or +4. Those without the appropriate true dragonmark, including those with aberrant dragonmarks, gain no benefit from this amulet.

Construction Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, creator must have the true dragonmark that the amulet is attuned to.

Construction Cost: (+1): 1,800 gp and a Siberys dragonshard worth 450; (+2): 7,200 gp and a Siberys dragonshard worth 1,800 gp; (+3): 16,000 gp and a Siberys dragonshard worth 4,000 gp; (+4): 28,800 gp and a Siberys dragonshard worth 7,200 gp