Combat Feats

Ancestral Weaponmaster [Combat, Luck]

Prerequisite: In order to take this feat, you must satisfy one of the following groups of requirements.

  • Bladebearer of the Valenar: Elf; region of origin: Valenar; proficiency with scimitar, falchion or double scimitar

  • Darguun Mauler: Humanoid (goblin subtype); region of origin: Darguun; proficiency with flail, heavy flail, dire flail or spiked chain

  • Drow Skirmisher: Elf (drow); region of origin: Xen'drik; profiency with dagger, drow long knife, short sword, spiked chain or drow scorpion chain

  • Mror Stalwart: Dwarf; region of origin: Mror Holds; proficiency with battleaxe, warhammer, dwarven waraxe or dwarven urgosh

  • Shadow Marches Warmonger: Orc; region of origin: Shadow Marches; proficiency with battleaxe, greataxe or double axe

  • Soulblade Warrior: Kalashtar; region of origin: Adar; form mindlbade class feature; proficiency with mindblade

  • Talenta Warrior: Halfling; region of original: Talenta Plains, proficiency with Talenta sharrash, Talenta tanget or the boomerang

Benefit: You can a +1 bonus to damage rolls made with any weapon listed in your requirements. If you spend a hero point to alter an attack roll with one of the weapons listed in your requirements, you gain a bonus to damage equal to the bonus from the hero point. This additional damage is multiplied on a confirmed critical hit. If you have any of the following feats for any of the weapons listed in your requirements, they apply to all of the weapons listed in your requirements, satisfying prerequisites needed for other feats as well: Improved Critical, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Greater Weapon Focus and Greater Weapon Specialization.

Source: RoE, varies

Earthquake Stomp [Combat]

Prerequisite: Str 25, Power Attack, size Large or larger

Benefit: As a standard action, you can attempt a trip attempt against every creature within your reach of your natural weapons that is at least two sizes smaller than you are. You do this by stamping a foot, tail or whole body heavily on the ground, meaning it cannot be used while not on a flat horizontal surface. Roll one CMB check for the trip attempt and apply against each creature's CMD separately to see which ones have been tripped or not. This is considered a trip attempt for the purposes of provoking attacks of opportunity (with the appropriate benefits from Improved Trip). You cannot use this ability if you are reduced to Medium size or smaller.

Source: SoX, pg. 134

Flensing Strike [Combat]

Prerequisite: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (kama), Weapon Focus (kama), flurry of blows class feature, +5 BAB

Benefit: If you use a kama as part of a flurry of blows action, designate a single target to be subject of your Flensing Strike. If you successfully hit the target and do at least 1 point of damage with your kama after damage reduction, the target must make a Fortitude save with a DC equal to 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Wis modifier. If the saving throw fails, the target is nauseated for 1 round and suffers 1 point of bleed damage. If the target makes their save, they are only sickened for 1 round. Monks that worship the Mockery add this feat to the list of possible bonus feat once they reach their second level of monk.

Source: ECB, pg. 53

Improved Powerful Charge [Combat]

Prerequisite: +5 BAB, Medium size or larger, powerful charge universal monster ability

Benefit: Treat the damage done from your powerful charge as one size category larger, to a maximum of 6d6. Otherwise, your powerful charge ability remains the same as detailed in the Powerful Charge feat.

Source: ECB, varies

Powerful Charge [Combat]

Prerequisite: +1 BAB, Medium size or larger

Benefit: You gain the powerful charge universal monster ability. The additional damage done from your powerful charge is based on your size at the time of your charge, starting with Medium at 1d8, Large at 2d6, Huge at 3d6, Gargantuan at 4d6 and Colossal at 6d6. If you are Small size or smaller, you loose your powerful charge ability until you return to at least Medium size.

Source: ECB, pg. 57

Precise Swing [Combat]

Prerequisite: +5 BAB

Benefit: You can ignore all effects and penalties from cover, but not total cover, when making any melee attack, including attacks of opportunity and attacks with reach weapons.

Source: ECB, pg. 58