Zaelshin Tu

Aura: Faint Necromancy; CL: 5th

Slot: Neck; Price: 1,800 gp; Wgt: 1 lbs

Source: PGoE, pg. 145

Description: This amulet is typically made of platinum and gold, encasing a small reliquary of a dead elven hero to the Valenar people. This is usually a finger or toe bone, but since the magic involves communing with the elf's spirit, constructing this kind of amulet can be incredibly difficult, simply due to the lack of dead hero bones. The benefits are also very niche. When someone with the Ancestral Guidance class feature wears this amulet, they gain another phantom bonus feat slot to fill as per the rules of the Ancestral Guide class feature (see the Revenant Blade prestige class). Destroying the magical item, intentionally or otherwise, causes the reliquary inside to crumble to powder, making it useless. Elves from Valenar that learn of this immediately are Unfriendly, if not Hostile (as per Diplomacy rules) to whomever they believe responsible.

Construction Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Speak with Dead, a bone fragment of a dead elven hero (plot device)

Construction Cost: 900 gp