Regions of Origin

When creating a character for Eberron, where you came from and grew up is just as important as what race, class and alignment you choose. Many feats, and a few prestige classes, can only be taken by those that have the appropriate region of origin. Unlike other aspects that might change over time (even a race through Reincarnation), your region of origin is fixed and cannot be changed once chosen. Listed below are the regions of origin that can be chosen and the most common races that are typically found there. Technically, any race can be from any region, but some are more common than others. If your campaign is primarily centered on one continent and you have characters from other continents, do no limit them to a specific region from that other continent as it is not likely to come up often. Instead, only have them specific the other continent. Unless specified otherwise, the default continent is Khorvaire.

The benefit of choosing a region of origin is that Knowledge checks involving your region of original can be made untrained up to DC 15, instead of the normal DC 10.

  • Regions of Origin (By Continent):

      • Aerenal: This is the sacred island of the elves, although some half-elves are allowed to be raised here.

      • Argonnessen: This is the land of dragons and home to all that are in their service, which is mostly humans and kobolds.

        • The Light of Siberys: Open plains and rolling hills on the western coast.

        • Seren: These islands are home to human barbarian tribes that worship dragons as gods.

        • The Tapestry: A small section of plains and farming land on the eastern coast.

        • The Thousand: Massive mountain ranges that expand all along the northern coast.

        • The Vast: A mish-mash of forests, swamps, rolling hills and rivers along the southern coastline.

    • Khorvaire:

      • Aundair: Any of the core races and more than a few changelings, shifters and warforged are from these rolling hills.

        • Breland: The most cosmopolitan of nations, literally anyone could be from Breland.

        • Cyre (or the Mournland): Before this land is blasted into a grey waste, it was home to all, save Empty Vessels and the more savage races. Nowadays, only warforged call it home.

        • Darguun: The ancient homeland of the goblinoid races, although humans, half-breed races and a variety of slaves escape from here.

        • Demon Wastes: These brutal, cold and barren mountains are home to tribes of humans, orcs, half-orcs and tieflings.

        • Droaam: Home to the monstrous races for as long as anyone can remember, and their human, orc and half-orc servants.

        • Eldeen Reaches: These ancient forests are the ancestral lands of the orcs, with a few humans, half-orcs, shifters and the occasional elf.

        • Karnnath: Stern and cold as the militaristic humans and dwarves that live here.

        • Lhazaar Principalities: Any race with a love of the sea and pirating could call these islands home.

        • Mror Holds: This is the mountain homeland of the dwarves.

        • Q'barra: A sparsely populated jungle that is home to humans, elves, half-elves, kobolds, and even stranger races.

        • Shadow Marches: These marshes and swamps are home to humans, half-orcs, orcs and many other peoples scraping by on the edge of civilization.

        • Talenta Plains: These wide open plains are the home of the halflings and their dinosaur mounts.

        • Thrane: Any civilized race, and those that thrive in civilization, so long as they worship of the Silver Flame (or pretend to).

        • Valenar: Traditionally elves, but humans and half-elves are also common. Halflings and the goblinoid races have been their ancient enemies.

      • Zilargo: This is the lush and mountains homeland of the gnomes.

    • Sarlona:

        • Adar: This is the mountainous southern region of Sarlona, home to the kalashtar and any refugee fleeing from Reidra. Empty vessels are not from here.

      • Reidra: All races, except the Kalashtar, are ruled equally by the Inspired of Reidra. Empty vessels originated from here. But this golden cage is locked tight. Note: Reidra is such a large country that a campaign in Reidra might use these sub-regions.

          • Borunan: Barren, dry plains that are homes to ogres and shifters.

          • Corvagura: Lush jungle and fertile plains; the center of the Reidran civilization.

          • Dor Maleer: Cold, hilly areas known for harsh weather and friendly attitudes.

          • Khalesh: Temperate deserts and open deserts.

          • Nulakesh: Temperate forests and mountains, known for extreme racism. Almost only human and Empty Vessels.

          • Ohr Kaluun: A chain of islands on the cold, northeastern cost.

          • Pyrine: Warm plains, fields, marshes and forests; primarily Reidra's main food producing region.

          • Rhiavaar: Temperate plains, marshes and a few islands.

        • Syrkarn: Warm steppes and plains, mixed with harsh deserts, not quite as well maintained as Reidra proper. Humans, orcs, half-orcs and other hardy races.

      • The Tashana Tundra: Cold, empty wastes in perpetual frost. Shifters and other nomadic races.

    • Xen'Drik:

        • The Ash Cauldrons: The central mountain range in Xen'Drik. Home to many races of giant and some flying species.

        • Everice: The South Pole. That's about it.

        • Iceflow Sea: A minor ocean in freezing conditions. Home to frost giants and their descendants.

        • Menechtarun: The great western desert of Xen'Drik. Home to some drow and other insectoid races.

        • Shargon's Teeth: A range of islands along the northern coast. Home to sahuagin and pirates.

        • Xen'Drik Jungles: The vast jungle expanse that most people think of when they think of Xen'Drik. Home to the drow and giant tribes.

  • Typical Region of Origin by Race:

    • Changelings: Any region where there is a large human or mixed-race population.

    • Dwarves: Most dwarves are from either Karnnath or the Mror Holds or have immigrated to another region within the past few generations.

    • Elves: Most elves are from Valenar or one of the civilized nations of Khorvaire. The few that are raised on Aerenal have little reason to leave. The drow, however, are only found in Xen'Drik.

    • Empty Vessels: The vast majority of empty vessels originate from Reidra, but some have been known to be from Breland.

    • Gnomes: All gnomes can trace their heritage to Zilargo, but many immigrated to other civilized nations as their talents were needed.

    • Goblinoids: Most of the goblinoid races can trace their heritage back to the Dhakanni empire, which covered what is now Breland, Darguun, Dromm and the Shadow Marches.

    • Halflings: Many halflings still live the nomad life on the Talenta Plains, but some have become more cultured and live in larger cities.

    • Half-Elves: Any area where humans and elves would meet, as well as any large center of population.

    • Half-Orcs: Most half-orcs are from the Eldeen Reaches, the Shadow Marches, the Demon Wastes, Droaam, Breland or Aundair; all areas near where orcs have ancestral land but closer to humans.

    • Humans: Humans have long since covered the width and breath of Eberron. The only region where they would not likely be is Aerenal.

    • Kalashtar: Kalashtar originated in Adar, fleeing the rule of Reidra. Since then, areas of Xen'Drik, Breland, the Shadow Marches and Zilargo have seen their kind.

    • Shifters: Originally from the Eldeen Reaches, many shiftes were scattered to the Shadow Marches, Droaam, Breland, Darguun, Q'barra, the Lhazaar Principalities and even Xen'Drik or Sarlona.

    • Warforged: Created as part of the Last War, warforged were originally sold to Breland, Aundair, Thrane, Karnnath and Cyre. Short of a special purchase, no warforged would have a region of origin outside of Khorvaire.

      • ** Other Races **: As Eberron has almost any kind of race available (but not with equal representation), those wishing to play a less common race may have their options for regions of origins more limited. For example, Elans (from Psionics Unleashed ) must come from Reidra as the Inspired there are the only ones that would create such a race. Same would be true for most, if not all, of the other psionic races. See your GM for details.