
Aura: Moderate Conjuration; CL: 9th

Price: +3 bonus

Special Notes / Rules: Elemental Binding (air, 7-9 HD, usually a Large Air Elemental)

Source: ECB, pg. 266


A Finesse weapon quality can only be placed on a weapon that would benefit from the Weapon Finesse feat. It also has a Khyber dragonshard in the hilt, keeping an air elemental prisoner. The weapon itself is only half the weight it would normally be and the wielder is considered to have the Weapon Finesse and the Agile Maneuvers feats while wielding it.

Construction Requirements: Craft Arms and Armor, Bind Elemental, Cat's Grace

Construction Costs: As per Elemental Binding, with a Khyber dragonshard worth at least 1,000 gp