Quori, Kalaraq

The forces of Adar had managed to hold the line for an entire night and day. The armies of the Inspired would not be allowed to cross the mountain pass. But as the sun began to set on the second day, the ranks of the Inspired pulled back from the field of battle. Not in retreat, but out of respect. Their prayers had been answered and the Inspired that ruled over the land of Reidra had sent one of their highest lords to deal with mountain rebels.

A being of pure force, comprised of hundreds of thousands of eyes, stood alone on the field. The Adarian fools released wave after wave of arrows, bolts of energy beyond number, but the lord was not inconvenienced in the least. The arrows past right through him. The blasphemous spells washed over him. And once their lord got to the edge of the Adarian trenches, he simply flew apart into a cloud of eyes. Ever watchful eyes that looked over the people of Reidra. Ever patient eyes that knew every sin and hope of those that followed the Inspired. They cleansed the foolish rebels from their hiding holes. And when the screaming was done, the cloud reformed into his lord's majestic form.

In the months that followed, after Reidrans had plowed over the Adarian corpses and planted gardens over their graves, the Inspired looked on what remained of the tiny Adar village. "The Kalaraq do great work. As if they were never here."

Quori, Kalaraq

CR 20

XP: 307,200

LE Medium Outsider (evil, extraplanar, lawful, incorporeal, psionic, Quori)

Init: +11; Senses: All-around vision, True Seeing 120 ft, see in darkness; Perception +35


AC: 26, Touch 26, Flat-Footed 18 (+7 Dex, +1 dodge, +8 deflection)

HP: 300 (24d10+168); regeneration 5 (good spells or good-aligned weapons)

Fort: +21; Ref: +17; Will: +22

DR: 15 / Reidran crysteel and good

Immune: charm, fear, sleep; Resist: acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10; SR: 35


Speed: Fly 60 ft. (perfect)

Melee: 2 incorporeal touch +31 (1d6 plus 1d4+1 Wis damage and Soul Binding),

Space: 5 ft. (or 10 ft as swarm); Reach: 5 ft. (or 10 ft. as swarm)

Psi-Like Abilities: (ML 18th, concentration +30)

At Will - Cloud Mind (DC 27, 21 targets), Dispel Psionics (targeted dispel 4 powers), Ego Whip (DC 26, 4d4 Chr), Empathic Connection (DC 24, any creature, days), Far Hand (95 feet, 19 lbs), Greater Psychoport, Inertial Armor (+12 AC), Mindlink, Mind Thrust (DC 28, 18d10), Psionic Blast (DC 27, 7 rnds),

3 / day - Energy Cone (DC 27, 18d6), Id Insinuation (DC 24, 5 targets), Psychic Crush (DC 27, 7d6)

1 / day - Mind Seed (DC 26, does not suffer the negative level), Personal Barred Mind

1 / year - Reality Revision


Str -, Dex 25, Con 24, Int 25, Wis 27, Chr 26

Base Atk: +24; CMB: +31; CMD: 41

Feats: Ability Focus (Invade Dreams), Agile Maneuvers, Combat Expertise, Combat Manifestation, Dodge, Greater Power Penetration, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Power Penetration, Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse

Skills: Autohypnosis +25, Bluff +35, Diplomacy +23, Disguise +23, Fly +25, Intimidate +35, Knowledge (arcana) +22, Knowledge (history) +22, Knowledge (local) +22, Knowledge (nature) +22, Knowledge (nobility) +22, Knowledge (planes) +34, Knowledge (psionics) +34, Knowledge (religion) +22, Perception +35, Perform (oratory) +23, Sense Motive +35, Spellcraft +34, Stealth +22

Languages: Speaks all languages, telepathy 500 ft


Aligned Natural Weapons (Su): The natural attacks of a kalaraq are considered evil-aligned and law-aligned for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.

Greater Teleport (Su): On the plane of Dal Quor, kalaraq can use Greater Teleport at will, as the spell (Caster Level 13th), except that the quori can only transport itself and up to 50 pounds of material. This ability does not function on other planes, including the Material Plane.

Invade Dreams (Su): If the kalaraq physically resides in Dal Quor, then three times per day, as a standard action, it can target a single sentient creature on the Material Plane with either a Dream or Nightmare spell (DC 25). In either case, the caster level for this is 9th. When using the Dream option, the kalaraq can disguise himself as per the Alter Self spell, but only within the scope of the Dream effect. The DC of this ability is Charisma based and factors the Ability Focus (Invade Dreams) feat.

Malleable Seeming (Su): The kalaraq can change its appearance to look like any one of the souls it has claimed with its Soul Binding ability. Starting or stopping the disguise takes a free action that does not provoke and the kalaraq can maintain the disguise indefinitely. This is considered a polymorph effect, not an illusion effect, and provides the kalaraq either a +10 circumstance bonus to Disguise to mimic that specific person or a +10 circumstance bonus to Intimidate those that were close to the poor soul it is mimicking. True Seeing and other abilities that can see through polymorph effects see the kalaraq's form clearly. This ability cannot be used while the kalaraq is using his Swarm of Eyes ability.

Night Terrors (Su): Those affected by the Nightmare version of the kalaraq's Invade Dreams ability that fails their saving throw also takes 1d4 points of Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma damage.

Possession (Su): All quori have the possession ability in order to enter a willing host. Unlike a typical possession, the host must be willing, if not necessarily well informed, and must have a Charisma of 9 or higher. If the host's Charisma ever falls below 9, the quori invader is immediately vented into an adjacent square.

Soul Binding (Su): Each time an opponent is struck by a kalaraq's touch attack or swarm damage, they must make a Will save, DC 30, or be affected by Id Insinuation for a number of rounds equal to one half of the kalaraq's Hit Dice, rounded down (default of 12 rounds). The Wisdom damage is applied first, and thus the reduction to their Will saving throw modifier applies to this Will save. The saving throw DC is Charisma based and the kalaraq does not need to concentrate on the individual Id Insinuation effects, but multiple Id Insinuation effects do not stack

If a kalaraq kills an opponent through Wisdom damage by its incorporeal touch attack, the soul of the target is immediately consumed, turning into a pair of scared, desperate eyes that joins with the body of the kalaraq while the rest of the physical body drops dead. So long as that particular kalaraq is still has the eyes of the victim (which he can release as a standard action or are automatically released if the kalaraq is dropped to 0 hit points), the victim cannot be raised, resurrected or be brought back to life through any method short of divine intervention.

Spying Eyes (Su): The kalaraq can send out one eye per Hit Dice, as a free action that does not provoke, to function a single 'eye' from the Greater Prying Eyes spell, but with an unlimited duration. He can send them all at once or individually as needed. In all other ways, treat this as the Greater Prying Eyes spell. If an eye is destroyed, it is recreated in the kalaraq's form 24 hours later. These eyes are never eyes that contain souls from the Soul Binding effect.

Swarm of Eyes (Su): As a standard action that does not provoke, the kalaraq can turn into a swarm or turn back into its normal form. While using the Swarm of Eyes ability, the kalaraq obtains the swarm subtype, comprised of Fine-sized eyeballs of his captured souls. The kalaraq can use this ability at will and maintain it indefinitely. It also retains all of his own characteristics except as listed here. This ability cannot be used while the kalaraq is using his Malleable Seeming ability.

Size (Ex): While using the Swarm of Eyes ability, the kalaraq's size is now that of a 10 ft by 10 ft swarm.

Natural Attacks (Ex): While using the Swarm of Eyes ability, the kalaraq looses his incorporeal touch attacks, any reach or the ability to threaten squares, but it does gains a swarm attack that does 5d6 plus 1d4+1 Wisdom damage and has the Soul Binding effect.

Distraction (Ex): While using the Swarm of Eyes ability, the kalaraq has the distraction ability, as per the universal monster rules, DC 29. This saving throw DC is Constitution based.

Incorporeal Swarm (Su): The kalaraq is still incorporeal, even in its swarm state. This also means that winds and other strong weather does not affect the kalaraq while using its Swarm of Eyes ability.


Environment: Dal Quor

Organization: Solitary or nightmare (1 kalaraq with 3-6 du'ulora and 12-20 tsucora quori)

Treasure: Double

Role: Combat

Source: SoS, pg. 159

Second only to the lords of the Dreaming Dark themselves, the kalaraq is the very nature of terror. Seemingly comprised of thousands of floating eyes and wreathed in a translucent fire, the kalaraq is only dispatched from the depths of Dal Quor when there is a mission of incredible importance on the mortal realm. Ancient, calculating and methodical, kalaraqs are the type of opponent that comes at the party both head on and sideways at the same, using equal parts sheer tacticial aptitude and vicious, underhanded cunning. It is said that the only blade of a kalaraq that you ever see is the one in your lover's hands when she slits your throat.