Ascendant Councilor

The dried and withered remains of an long dead elf are remarkably well preserved. Sitting in an ancient alcove, the wrappings that cover his form are covered in a thick layer of dust, but show no signs of decay. The cobwebs that bind him to his seat are thick enough to resist your deepest breath. Suddenly, the elves' eyes open, revealing milky white pupils that glow with an inner golden light. He looks at you in the same disdain that a grandfather would have being awoken from a nap he barely started.

Ascendant Councilor

CR 18

XP: 102,400

NG Medium Deathless

Init: +7; Senses: darkvision 60', True Seeing; Perception +36

Aura: Consecrated Aura (50')


AC: 36, Touch 26, Flat-Footed 33 (+3 Dex, +10 natural, +8 insight, +5 deflection)

HP: 287 (25d8+125); regeneration / fast healing

Fort: +15; Ref: +13; Will: +24

DR: 10 / targeth

Defensive Abilities: Deathless Traits, Divine Immunities

Immune: transmutation, energy drain, ability drain, ability damage and mind-affecting effects; Resist: fire 5; SR: 32


Speed: 40 ft

Melee: Slam +31 (1d4+13 plus Purification),

Space: 5 ft.; Reach: 5 ft.

Spell-Like Abilities: (CL 20th, concentration +28, saving throw DCs are Wisdom-based)

Constant - True Seeing

At Will - Astral Projection (self only), Dispel Evil (DC 23), Greater Command (DC 23), Mark of Justice, Righteous Might, Greater Scrying (DC 25)

3/day - Greater Dispel Magic, Heal (DC 24), Holy Aura (DC 26), Quickened Greater Command (DC 23), Quickened Holy Word (DC 25)

1/week - Storm of Vengeance (DC 27)


Str 32, Dex 16, Con -, Int 23, Wis 27, Chr 21

Base Atk: +18; CMB: +31; CMD: 42

Feats: Ability Focus (purification), Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Greater Disarm, Greater Spell Penetration, Greater Trip, Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (Greater Command), Quicken Spell-Like Ability (Holy Word), Spell Penetration

Skills: Diplomacy +33, Knowledge (arcana) +34, Knowledge (history) +34, Knowledge (nobility) +34, Knowledge (planes) +34, Knowledge (religion) +34, Perception +36, Sense Motive +36, Spellcraft +34

Languages: Celestial, Draconic, Elven


Consecrated Aura (Su): Ascendant Councilors project a constant Consecrate aura that extends to a 50' radius. This aura considers the physical body of the Ascendant Councilor as a dedicated shrine for the Consecrate, providing it with double the normal bonus (+2 sacred bonus to all attack rolls, damage rolls and saving throws; +2 hit points per HD; +6 sacred bonus to resist negative channeled energy) as well as double the normal penalties for undead (-2 penalty to all attack rolls, damage rolls and saving throws, +6 sacred bonus to positive channel energy DCs). These modifications are already taken into account the Ascendant Councilor's statistics, but would apply normally to other deathless, except other Ascendant Councilors, within the area of effect.

The consecrated aura persists within an area for 24 hours after the Ascendant Councilor has left.

Purificaiton (Su): Whenever a creature is stuck by the slam attack of an Ascendant Councilor, the holy energy of his attack is enough erode the resolve of any but the purest souls. For good creatures struck by the slam attack, nothing beyond the normal damage occurs. Neutral creatures stuck by the slam attack take and additional 1d4 points of Strength damage and 1d4 points of Charisma damage. Evil creatures stuck by the slam attack take an additional 2d6 points of Strength damage and 2d6 points of Charisma damage. Both neutral and evil creatures are allowed a single Will save, DC 24, per successful slam attack to halve the attribute damage.

Divine Immunities: Ascendant Councilors are immune to transmutation, energy drain, ability drain, ability damage and mind-affecting effects.

True Seeing (Su): Ascendant Councilors act under a constant True Seeing effect.


Environment: Anywhere, but very rare outside of the island of Aerenal

Organization: Solitary, pairs or gatherings (10-30)

Treasure: Triple standard

Role: Spell (divine)

Source: ECB, pg. 276

Ascendant Councilors are the pinnacle form of the deathless and are the actual individual members of the Undying Court. Found in the great funeral cities of Aerenal, they spend the vast majority of their time using their Astral Projection ability watching the heavens and the planes as well as watching over the elves of Eberron. When roused from their slumber, they are still slow to anger, preferring to talk and negotiate. However, given the incredible amount of reverence and respect awarded to them by still-living elves, approaching an Ascendant Councilor happens only once or twice in an elven lifetime.

When they are motivated to action, the force of an Ascendant Councilor is formidable. Against living opponents, they attempt to neutralize them with use of Greater Command, Greater Dispel Magic and their slam attack, leaving the living trespassers alive to be punished by a Mark of Justice. However, against the undead or against those that would seriously threaten the Undying Court, the Ascendant Councilor wastes no time in moving to an area where his Righteous Might, Holy Aura and engaging in melee with Quickened Holy Word. The use of their Storm of Vengeance is reserved only for the most dire of circumstances. Tales tell of single Ascendant Councilors laying down their unlife making a last stand with this effect while others are given the chance to escape.

As deathless creatures, these leaders of the Undying Court are masters in the forms of necromancy and often have magical items that are either quite useful against the undead or to deal positive energy in some way. Interestingly enough, they also have a deep understanding of the magics used by the giants of Xen'Drik and, to a lesser degree, the dragons of Argonessen. Occasionally, a single powerful item will be kept as a trophy from past battles, but never one that would be singularly useful against the elven race.

Ascendant Councilors are usually around 6 feet tall and weigh around 100 pounds.