Censure Elementals

School: Abjuration; Level: Artificer 4

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Components: S,M (a staff)

Range: Touch

Target: Staff touched and 60' radius (see text)

Duration: 1 minute / level

Saving Throw: Will (half); Spell Resistance: Yes

Source: MoE, pg. 94

Artificers working with elementals often need a method of keeping them in line without killing them. The staff touched is temporarily enchanted to have the ability that when struck against the ground or hard surface (as a standard action that does not provoke), it creates a instantaneous 60' radius of painful planar feedback, centered on the staff, to any outsider with an elemental subtype within range. This feedback causes non-lethal damage equal to 3d6 + 1 point per caster level. A successful Will save halves this damage and spell resistance (if any) applies as normal. There is no limit to the number of times this effect can be used and the staff can be used by anyone that holds it.

The caster has the ability, at the time of casting, to designate up to one outsider with an elemental subtype per caster level to be immune to this field.