Ash Spear of Thakash Rin

Aura: Strong Transmutation; CL: 20th

Slot: Weapon; Wgt: 10 lbs

Special Notes / Rules: Artifact

Source: ECB, pg. 271


This Byeshk Longspear +4 of Aberration Bane is not actually made from ash, although the number of battles and fires it has seen has made the densewood of the haft look like charred ash. Originally crafted for one of the ancient orc Gatekeepers, the spear still remembers it's original purpose and if wielded by someone with the Repel Aberration feat, the spear grants two additional uses of it per day, as per the Extra Channel feat, as well as allowing the wielder to smite aberrations three times per day, with the character's druid level acting as a paladin level.

Tales of the adventures of Thakash Rin tell of many times that the forces of Xoriat tried to destroy the spear, but never succeeding. It is said that only a child of Vvaraak, the green dragon that originally taught the Gatekeepers, can revoke their ancestor's gift.