Ape, Horrid

This massive ape is lined with bony plates along its back, arms and shoulders. It's maw is full of fierce teeth and its forearms and claws are dripping with caustic acid. Upon seeing you, it howls, not just in anger but in udder contempt that you would dare impose on its territory.

Horrid Ape

CR 4

XP: 1,200

NE Large Animal

Init: +4; Senses: low-light vision, scent; Perception +10


AC: 21, Touch 13, Flat-Footed 17 (+4 Dex, +8 natural, -1 size)

HP: 25 (3d8+12);

Fort: +9; Ref: +7; Will: +4

Immune: acid


Speed: 30', climb 30'

Melee: 2 slams +5 (1d6+4 plus 1d6 acid)

Space: 10 ft.; Reach: 10 ft.


Str 19, Dex 19, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 16, Chr 7

Base Atk: +2; CMB: +7; CMD: 21

Feats: Great Fortitude, Skill Focus (Perception)

Skills: Acrobatics +8, Climb +16, Perception +10


Ill-Tempered (Ex): Attempts to control or train Horrid Apes are made a -4 penalty. While Horrid Apes are no more resistant to charm or compulsion effects, giving a charmed or compelled Horrid Ape a command that is not in its nature allows for a retry on the Will save, just as if the Horrid Ape was ordered to commit an obviously suicidal act. The nature of a Horrid Ape is perpetually aggressive and protective of its territory.


Environment: Warm Forests

Organization: Solitary, pair or troop (3-18)

Treasure: None

Role: None

Source: ECB, pg. 287

The Horrid Ape is an example of what happens to a normal gorilla that has been magically altered by militant druids to protect a specific area. Fiercely territorial and always the alpha of any group of similar primates, the Horrid Ape is force of destructive power. Often charging from the treetops with its slam attack, the beast's forearms often sweat acid when in the heat of battle. The only known method of forcing it to break off an attack is set the surrounding terrain ablaze, which forces it to the ground. Unfortunately, this often means trading a deadly animal with an equally deadly forest fire.

Despite being neutral evil, a Horrid Ape is protective of the other apes, normal or horrid, in its troop. The eldest Horrid Ape is always the alpha until it is beaten by another. Horrid Apes that sense the rise of a newcomer will not hesitate to kill it, often leaving the rest of the troop slaves to the primate equivalent of an abusive relationship. Physically, horrid apes are slightly larger than normal gorillas and weigh about three times as much. Their bony plates are usually brown or dull white, while their faces, chest and stomach are usually bright red. Only the fur on their heads, shoulders and legs bear resemblance to normal gorillas.

The Horrid Ape was calculated using the Gorilla (Primate, Ape) and applying the Horrid Animal template.