Character Conversion

The people at Paizo have done a wonderful job with a FREE pdf of handling the vast majority of the details of converting a character from 3.5 to Pathfinder. For the most part, that process will suit anyone's needs wonderfully. However, given that Eberron is not your typical campaign world, I would recommend the following guidelines for character conversion.

1. Have a solid understanding of your character's 'concept'.

There are so many options that were presented in 3.5 that are not in Pathfinder (and vice verse) and that doing a straight, point-by-point conversion is mostly impossible. Instead, have a clear understanding of what and who your character is and use that concept as your guide. This includes having a good idea of what your character was capable of in 3.5 as well as his total wealth. A lot of the vital information (race, height, weight, region of origin, alignment) will remain the same.

2. Rebuild as a new Pathfinder character.

Take this concept and rebuild your character using the races, classes and other options available in Pathfinder and on this site. Start at 1st level, with the point buy conversion listed below. Then, add level by level, making the appropriate choices of skill ranks, feats, spells, etc. along the way. Do not apply your total wealth until you have reached your final level unless there is an immediate and valid reason (such as purchasing a tome to increase an attribute to qualify for a feat, etc.). If such a circumstance comes up, apply the purchased benefit and make note of the cost when spending your wealth by level.

3. Determine and spend your total wealth.

After totaling your character's wealth from his 3.5 version, compare it to the chart below for other 3.5 characters of the same level. This will give you a rough idea as to any excess or lack of treasure you had in 3.5. If the GM is not taking this opportunity to 'reset' his campaign, then determine the percentage ratio of your wealth versus that of a normal 3.5 character, and multiply that percentage to the equivalent of the Pathfinder character of the same level. Use this as your wealth to spend as needed.

4. Assess, compare and finalize.

Pathfinder uses a number of new rule systems that 3.5 did not have. Before giving the new version of your character the final seal of approval, make sure you have read these new rules (Combat Maneuvers, Prestige Awards, etc.) and that your vision of your character is still maintained, given his ability to work with these rules.

Three of the most important systems to review are as follows