Aureon's Spellshard

Aura: Moderate Transmuation; CL: 7th

Slot: -; Price: 3,000 gp; Wgt: 1/2 lbs

Special Notes / Rules: None

Source: ECB, pg. 265


This large Eberron dragonshard is attuned to one specific wizard when it is created, acting a spellbook for that wizard with a capacity of 500 pages. The attuned wizard does not need to pay the normal cost for transcribing a spell into an Aureon's Spellshard, but only the wizard that it is attuned to can get the pages to appear on the dragonshard's facets. Re-attuning an Aureon's Spellshard to a new wizard requires a casting of Secret Page on it, but wipes out any spells already stored in the stone.

Construction Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Secret Page

Construction Cost: 1,000 gp; an Eberron dragonshard worth at least 1,000 gp.