Galvanic Crysteel

Aura: Moderate Clairsentience; ML: 7th

Price: +1 bonus

Source: MoE, pg. 125

Description: This special weapon quality can only be placed on weapons made of Reidran crysteel, thus most weapons with this quality are daggers, swords and spears. The Galvanic Crysteel weapon can store up to 20 power points, given to it in the same manner as a cognizance crystal. Whenever the weapon is wielded by someone with at least 1 power point and is used to make an attack, the wielder can spend up to 4 power points from the total stored within the blade. Doing so gives a enhancement bonus to damage equal to the amount spent, stacking with the normal +1 from the qualities of the Reidran crysteel. Regardless of the amount of power points spend, the effect ends after the attack roll is determined. Using this ability does not take an action, so it is possible to spend multiple times during a full attack.

Construction Requirements: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Offensive Prescience