Deathless Flesh

Price: 25,000 gp; Slot: Body; Type: Deathless; Weight: 10 lb; Install DC: 32; Implantation Value: 8

Aura: Moderate Necromancy; CL: 13th;

Special Notes / Rules: Implants

Source: MoE, pg. 128

Description: By replacing your own internal organs, which includes the heart, lungs, stomach, liver and intestines with those of a deathless creature, you have a permanent 50% chance to negate any critical hit or precision damage, as per the Moderate Fortification armor special quality. You also get a +4 circumstance bonus to saves versus death effects, poison and disease. The bonus to saves versus poison and disease stacks with other deathless implants.


Craft DC: 28; Cost: 6.250 gp

Requirements: Craft Implant (deathless), Limited Wish

Donor Requirement: The internal organs of a deathless creature. The donor creature never survives the removal of the donor material