Ghaal'duur, the Mighty Dirge

Aura: Strong Transmutation; CL: 20th

Slot: Slotless; Wgt: 14 lbs

Special Notes / Rules: Artifact

Source: ECB, pg. 272


This massive, 3 foot long horn is carved from a single red dragon's horn, lined with adamantine bands and decorated with the ancient runescript of the Dhakaani empire. Said to be "The Voice of the Empire", those with at least 9 ranks in Perform (wind instruments) can play it so loudly, it can be easily heard by those that are sleeping over 1,000 feet away. A bard that can has 9 ranks in Perform (wind instruments) that uses the Ghaal'duur is blessed with the voices of all Dhakaani ancestors, granting him a +5 bonus to all Performance checks involving the horn. While the horn is played, the bard gets a +3 sacred bonus to the saving throw DCs of his bardic spells and performances as well as all of his bard spells cast are enlarged and extended as per the Enlarge Spell and Extend Spell metamagic feats. Also, while the horn is played, any enemies within 1,000 feet of the bard are at a -2 penalty to hit, damage, and saving throws against charm or fear effects. Finally, use of inspire courage while using the horn reaches out for 1,000 feet and gives double the normal morale bonus, or triple if the player is of a goblinoid race.

While it is believed that the Ghaal'duur still exists deep underground and that even the powerful daelkyr of Xoriat cannot damage it, it is foretold that one day, Jharaashta, the red dragon from whom the horn was taken, will come to reclaim it... even if that was almost 9,000 years ago.