Living Construct - Subtype

Living constructs are special subtype that can apply to either humanoids or constructs. Living constructs are universally intelligent, if not necessarily very smart. Likewise, they are universally capable of change over time. While House Cannith claims to have invented this particular type of construct to fill the ranks of the Last War, there is some evidence that other, older living constructs existed during the times of the giants in Xen'Drik, thousands of years ago. Regardless of whether this subtype is applied to either humanoids or constructs, they all have the following abilities.

    • Unlike constructs, living constructs have a Constitution score. They do not get the bonus hit points due to their size, like normal constructs. Living constructs do not die until they are at negative hit points equal to their Constitution score, but are subject to the same rules for negative hit points as other humanoid creatures..

    • All living constructs have an Intelligence score of at least 1 and thus have skill ranks and feats as appropriate for their Hit Dice.

    • Dying living constructs have a +2 racial bonus to stabilization checks.

    • Like constructs, living constructs are immune to paralysis and sleep effects.

    • Unlike constructs, living constructs are not immune to disease, death effects, energy drain, exhaustion, fatigue, mind-affecting, nausea, poison, stunning and sickened effects, but they do get a +2 racial bonus to saving throws to resist them.

    • Unlike constructs, living constructs are not immune to ability damage, ability drain, bleed, necromancy effects (see below), negative levels, non-lethal damage, effects that require a Fortitude save or death from massive damage.

    • Living constructs do not need to eat, breath or sleep, but those with abilities that require rest, like spellcasting, still require 8 hours in a relaxed state to regain them.

    • Spells from the conjuration (healing) subschool are only half effective on living constructs, rounded down.

    • Like constructs, living constructs do not heal naturally, but can be repaired using an appropriate Craft skill (like armorsmithing, blacksmithing, gemcutting or sculpting). Each check takes 8 hours and the number of hit points regained is equal to the result of the Craft check -15.

    • Living constructs can be raised, reincarnated and resurrected. They cannot be reanimated as undead or deathless unless specifically stated otherwise.

    • Living constructs do not get low-light vision or darkvision, unless stated otherwise.

    • Regardless of whether the creature type is either humanoid or construct, those with the living construct subtype count as both humanoids (of the living construct subtype) and constructs for extraordinary abilities, supernatural abilities, spell-like effects, psi-like effects, feats, spells and psionic powers. This includes spells, like Repair Light Damage, special weapon qualities, like Bane (construct), and class abilities, like favored enemy (construct). If there a situation where the same effect would affect humanoids and constructs differently, like Charm Person, assume that the effect does apply and in the most severe applicable manner.

Source: ECB, pg. 23