Medani Prophet


The House Medani has had a long and complicated relation with religions over the generations. While it is true that the power of the deities are at work everyday, very few would say that they have been given insight in their grand and sweeping plans. The prophets of House Medani can legitimately make that claim (although not without a certain amount of disapproval from religious leaders). The power of their dragonmark gives them access to knowledge that is beyond even most priests and diviners and the fact that as bearers of the Mark of Detection, they are honor-bound to share what they know with those that it could help most. This is not to say that the Medani prophets are always right, but when they are wrong, it is usually because they misinterpreted the vision, not because the vision was false.

Role: Medani prophets are typically oracles, although any divine caster of the House could work. The connection between their chosen deity and the power of the dragonmark often means they tend to be planners and coordinators rather than front-line combatants or aggressive spellcasters.

Source: DGM, pg. 110

Alignment: Medani prophets tend to be neutral of some kind, simply due to the nature that they spend so much time in contemplation about the effects of their actions and those of others.

Hit Dice: d8


To qualify to become a Medani prophet, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Race: Half-Elf.

Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks, Sense Motive 5 ranks.

Feats: Least True Dragonmark (Mark of Detection, any option), Lesser True Dragonmark (Mark of Detection, any option).

Special: Able to cast 2nd level divine spells, including at least three divination spells.

Class Skills:

The Medani prophet's class skills (and the key abilities for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Craft (Int), Knowledge (all, taken individually) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int).

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Table: The Medani Prophet

Class Features:

All of the following are class features of the Medani prophet prestige class.

Weapons and Armor Proficiency: Medani prophets do not gain any new weapon or armor proficiencies.

Spells per Day / Spells Known: At the indicated levels, a Medani prophet gains new spells per day as if she had also gained a level in a divine spellcasting class he belonged to before adding the prestige class. He does not, however, gain other benefits a character of that class would have gained, except for additional spells per day, spells known (if he is a spontaneous caster), and an increased effective level of spellcasting. If he had more than one divine spellcasting class before becoming a Medani prophet, he must decide to which class she adds the new level for the purpose of determining spells per day. Once this decision is made, it cannot be changed.

Improved Dragonmark (Su): At 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th levels, the caster level of your dragonmark spell-like abilities increases by +1. This stacks with other sources that increase the caster level of your dragonmark spell-like abilities.

Keen Insight: Starting at 1st level, Medani prophets gain an insight bonus to Perception and Sense Motive checks equal to one half their class level, round down, minimum of +1.

Visions of the Past (Su): At 2nd level, the Medani prophet gains the ability to expend one use of any of his Least True dragonmark spell-like abilities to cast Augury at the same caster level. The Medani prophet has the option to cast this spell as a standard action instead of the normal minute required, but if he does so, he must make a Will save with a DC equal to 10 + his caster level for this dragonmark spell-like abilities or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. This is specifically intended to keep roughly the same odds of being stunned, regardless of what level the Medani prophet is.

Bonus Feats: At 4th level, the Medani prophet gains Alertness and Oracular Intuition as bonus feats, even if he does not qualify for them. At 8th level, the Medani prophet gains Uncanny Alertness and Prophetic Visionary as bonus feats, even if he does not qualify for them.

Medani Guidance (Su): At 6th level, the Medani prophet gains the ability to expend one use of any of his Lesser True dragonmark spell-like abilities to cast Divination at the same caster level. This does not change the casting time of the spell, although it does remove the need for material components.

Medani Vision (Su): At 10th level, the Medani prophet gains the ability to expend one use of any of his Lesser True dragonmark spell-like abilities to cast Legend Lore at the same caster level. This does not change the casting time of this spell, although it does remove the need for material components. However, if the Medani prophet has access to Greater True dragonmark spell-like abilities, he is also able to expend one use of any of his Greater True dragonmark spell-like abilities to cast Vision at the same caster level.