Scepter of Wild Dominion

Aura: Moderate Enchantment; CL: 7th

Slot: -; Price: 35,000 gp; Wgt: 2 lbs

Special Notes / Rules: Dragonmarked

Source: ECB, pg. 263


This densewood rod amplifies the dragonmarked spell-like abilities of the Mark of Handling. While wielded by one that bears such as a dragonmark, the caster level and saving throw DCs of all of his dragonmarked spell-like abilities are both increased by +2. Also, any dragonmark spell-like abilities from the Mark of Handling that would normally only work on creatures of the animal type now also work on creatures of the magical beast type as well.

These enhancements do not apply to any spells that the wielder might cast, only the dragonmarked spell-like abilities from the Mark of Handling.

Construction Requirements: Craft Rod, Dominate Animal, creator must have the Mark of the Handling.

Construction Cost: 14,000 gp; a Siberys dragonshard worth at least 3,500 gp.