Action Points vs. Hero Points

In the typical Eberron campaign, players make use of Action Points, whereas Pathfinder provides a different mechanism, called Hero Points. The entirety of this site has been redesigned and reworked to make use of Hero Points, but for those that need it, here is the mathematical breakdown. In all areas of this conversion, action points have been completely removed and replaced with Hero Points.

Concerning the d20 modifications of Action Points based on character level, the statistical average of the best value of 1d6, 2d6 and 3d6 are 3.5, 4.47 and 4.96 respectively, which when averaged over the career of a character comes out to a 4.31. This is comparable to the flat +4 that Hero Points provide when used after the roll. Even when taking into account that certain feats and class abilities can cause an increase in die type, the maximum rolled (3d12) for an Action Point has a statistical average of 9.48, rounding down to a +9. Thus while one might have had more Action Points than Hero Points, Hero Points are capable of accomplishing the same if not more than Action Points.