Special Materials

Pathfinder introduced rules that weapons with a straight enhancement bonus can be treated as special materials for the purposes of damage reduction (Corebook pg 562). Keeping with this new rule, a +3 enhancement bonus counts as Reidran crysteel and targath, while a +4 enhancement bonus counts as byeshk for overcoming damage reduction. Two materials presented in Eberron material is redundant with existing Pathfinder material. Bloodglass (SoX, pg. 147) is redundant with the actual obsidian material. Cyrite (PGoE, pg. 117) is redundant with other special materials and the Resistance spell.

Likewise, Pathfinder has a handful of spells (i.e. Pellet Blast) and class options (i.e. the Rare Earth Infusion for the Kineticist class) that have special options concerning rare materials (i.e. counting as or substituting for rare materials for bypassing damage reduction). If cold iron and silver are both options for such an spell, power or ability, then Reidran crysteel and targath are added as options as well (following the same substitution rules, like additional material cost, level requirements, etc). If adamantine is an option, then so is byeshk, again following the same rules. Otherwise, new materials are detailed below.


An usually tough wood found only in Aerenal whose bark has the consistency of mid-grade steel. While carved, rather than forged, bronzewood can be used to make an weapon or armor that does not involve chains or other linked pieces while still being appropriate for druids to wield and wear.


A shiny purple metal mined all along the western mountains of Khorvaire, it is historically known as the sole reason why the goblins and orcs of old Khorvaire where able to drive back the aberration hordes. Known to be quite dense, items made from byeshk make great bludgeoning weapons.


This white metallic ore is only found on the northern coast of Argonessen and is worked similar to iron or steel. It is always very cool to the touch, often causing condensation over time. Dragons of Argonessen often gift items of this metal to their most valiant human followers.


Another valued wood from the island of Aerenal, densewood is, as it's name implies, twice as sturdy as normal wood, making items made from hard to break. Unfortunately, it is no easier to work than normal wood.

Eldritch Whorlwood:

A rare twisted wood found in the jungles of Xen'drik, whorlwood is often used in the creation of wands and staves because of its ability to clearly indicate the number of charges contained without the need for magical examination.


Mined from the mountains of western Xen'Drik, this material is properly nicknamed 'golden mithral', as its coloration is the only significant difference.

Flametouched Iron:

A type of silver-tinged iron that is only found in Thrane and surrounding areas. The ore is considered sacred to the Church of the Silver Flame as proof of the Flame's power within the earth.


Another rare wood from Aerenal, this variation of the oak tree remains alive long after it has been cut from the tree and carved into its new form. Provided that it gets the typical amount of water and sunlight that would be available outside, the carved piece can remain alive indefinitely. This is of particular value to dryads and other fey that are bound to a specific living plant as livewood pieces are living but mobile.


Flametouched Iron is known to be found throughout Thrane, but a major vein of it ran underground into Cyre. When the Day of Mourning hit, the metal of this vein turned a dull, bruised purple. It has since been discovered that this variant is more appropriate for dealing with the undead than evil outsiders. Followers of the Silver Flame are reluctant to use it, citing corruption of the Flametouched Iron.

Riedran Crysteel:

A rare cystal material that is found only in Riedra; it is grown into it's final shape rather than forged or carved. Given the high iron content in the crystal, it is not as fragile as other similar materials but can be cracked in the same way, just with more force. This is typically found in the temples of the Inspired.


Probably the most sought after wood from Aerenal, soarwood is a naturally buoyant wood that makes it very light for its weight. While it can be used to great effect in regular sailing ships, making them literally skim over the waves, soarwood is more desired as it is required to make an airship light enough for it be lifted up by the elemental ring.


This soft, golden metal is only found on the northern hills of Argonessan and is rare enough to often be confused for gold. However, when in the presence of a deathless creature from Aerenal, like a Undying Councilor, the effect it has is severe. For reasons just as mysterious, carrying some around grants some protection from disease.