Item Creation Feats

Attune Magical Weapon [Item Creation]

Prerequisite: Possess a magical weapon that you are normally proficient with.

Benefit: After spending 24 hours with a magical weapon that you are normally proficient with, you gain a +1 insight bonus to attack and damage with that weapon. If you loose the weapon for more than a minute, the weapon obtains the broken condition through any means or the weapon is further enchanted, you must spend another 24 hours with the weapon to regain this benefit. You can only benefit from this feat with one magical weapon at a time, taking the normal 24 hours between weapons to study the new one.

Source: ECB, pg. 50

Bind Elemental [Item Creation]

Prerequisite: Caster level 9th, Craft Wondrous Item

Benefit: You know have the ability to craft and repair magical items that require a bound elemental or other outsider. See the rules for Elemental Binding for more details.

Source: ECB, pg. 51

Craft Implant [Item Creation]

Prerequisite: Either Craft Magic Arms and Armor or Craft Wondrous Items, 5 ranks in either Knowledge: Arcana, Knowledge: Nature, Knowledge: Religion or Knowledge: Planes.

Benefit: When you take this feat, you are capable of making, installing, repairing and removing implants from any creature type that you have 5 or more ranks in the appropriate Knowledge skill used to identify that particular creature type (Arcana for constructs, Nature for plants, Planes for outsiders, etc). See the Implants rules for more details.

Source: MoE, varies

Craft Symbiont [Item Creation]

Prerequisite: Either Craft Magic Arms and Armor or Craft Wondrous Items

Benefit: You have the ability to create and repair symbionts. See the Symbionts rules for more details.

Special: Daelkyr Half-bloods can use themselves as the base aberration to grow symbionts. Daelkyr Half-bloods use their character level as the caster level for creating symbionts.

Source: Personally created

Exceptional Artisan [Item Creation]

Prerequisite: Any item creation feat

Benefit: When determining the time you need to craft any magical item, reduce the final base time by 25%, rounding up to the nearest whole hour. This discount does not stack with any other discount to construction time, but does work with improvement in GP per day rates. Thus, if you normally craft wondrous items at 1,300 gp per day and you are making an item that has a purchase price of 5,200 gp, this feat will allow you to craft the item in three days, instead of four days normally.

Source: ECB, pg. 52

Extra Rings [Item Creation]

Prerequisite: Caster level 12th, Forge Ring

Benefit: You have two additional ring slots, for a total of four. No more than two rings can be worn on any one hand.

Normal: Characters only have two ring slots, one on each hand. Even if the character somehow has four hands, he would still only have two ring slots.

Source: ECB, pg. 53

Extraordinary Artisan [Item Creation]

Prerequisite: Any item creation feat

Benefit: When determining the construction cost you need to craft any magical item, reduce the final base price by 25%, rounding up to the nearest whole gold piece. This reduction does not apply to any special component cost of the item. Use the original base price when determining the time needed to create the magical item. This discount does not stack with any other reduction in construction cost.

Source: ECB, pg. 53

Improved Homunculus [Item Creation]

Prerequisite: Craft Construct or the craft homunculus class feature, Craft (any) 5 ranks.

Benefit: Whenever creating or altering a construct that Small size or smaller and with Hit Dice no greater than you caster level minus 2, that construct receives an increase to its natural armor bonus as well as a certain number of special abilities, based on its Hit Dice. These bonuses do not affect the cost or time to make or alter the construct, but if the construct ever gets more Hit Dice than your caster level minus 2, or is larger than Small size, it looses the benefits given to it by this feat until both prerequisites are satisfied again. The amount of the bonuses are listed below.

The number of special abilities can be chosen from the following list. Unless specified otherwise, each special ability can only be taken once. If you decided to change one or more special abilities, the process does not cost any money, but does require the same amount of time it takes to create the construct from scratch.

Climber: The construct gains a climb speed of 20' or improves an existing climb speed by 20'. This option can be taken multiple times.

Dextrous: The construct gains a +2 to Dexterity.

Durable: The construct gains an additional 10 hit points. This option can be taken multiple times.

Evasion: The construct gains evasion, as per the monk class feature.

Flyer: The construct gains a fly speed of 20' with good maneuverability or improves an existing fly speed by 20' and the maneuverability by one step. This option can be taken multiple times.

Skilled: The construct gains a +3 competence bonus to a chosen skill and checks for that skill can be made untrained. This option can be taken multple times, but each time, a different skill must be chosen.

Sneak Attack: The construct gains sneak attack of +1d6.

Store Effect: The construct can store one spell or infusion, up to 3rd level and that could normally target the construct, indefinitely. The construct can then spend a standard action to activate that spell or infusion on itself.

Strong: The construct gains a +2 to Strength.

Swimmer: The construct gains a swim speed of 20' or improves an existing swim speed by 20'. This option can be taken multiple times.

Telepathy: The construct remains in telepathic contact with its owner for up to 1 mile per Hit Die.

Weapon Ability: The construct's natural attacks are enchanted with a single special weapon quality equal to a +1 bonus. The special weapon quality must still be appropriate to the natural attack (i.e. Keen would not apply on a slam attack, but will on a bite attack).

Source: MoE, pg. 49