Image Projector

Aura: Moderate Illusion; CL: 5th

Slot: Slotless; Price: 1,200 gp; Wgt: 1 lbs

Special Notes / Rules: Dragonmarked

Source: MoE, pg. 113

Description: This Siberys dragonshard is suspended in a crude metal ring by dozens of tiny metal wires. When held or touched by someone using the Minor Image dragonmark spell-like ability from the Mark of Shadow, the project immediate begins recording everything within line of sight of it for 10 minutes. The recording is then stored within the Siberys dragonshard until it needs to be played back through another use of the Minor Image dragonmark spell-like ability from the Mark of Shadow. The playback is created through the use of Minor Image, thus it will fill the surroundings with an accurate visual illusion, however the sound will be muffled enough that speech cannot be made out. The recording can be set to play back repeatedly until stopped by the person that activated or other use of the Minor Image dragonmark spell-like ability from the Mark of Shadow. The playback is easily seen through (Will save, DC 13 to disbelieve).

An Image Projector can only hold one recording at a time, but it can hold the recording indefinitely. The Image Projector cannot be activated through any other use of Minor Image, only that from the true dragonmark spell-like ability from the Mark of Shadow.

Construction Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, creator must have the Least True Dragonmark of Shadow, Minor Image

Construction Cost: 480 gp and a Siberys dragonshard worth 120 gp