Quorbound Creature

Once the Quori were on the face of Eberron in force, their Inspired agents began experimenting with the blending between quori spirit and mortal flesh, in the attempt to replicate the efforts of their kalashtar enemies. While not wholly successful, one of their more promising results was the quorbound creature; a creature with a single quori spirit bound into it. While unable to pass this quality onto it's offspring with any consistency, individual quorbound creatures are still valuable tools and spies for their Inspired masters. Examples of creatures include:

Creating a Quorbound Creature:

"Quorbound" is an inherited template that can be applied to any animal or magical beast with an Intelligence of 1 or 2 that does not have the psionic subtype. (referred to hereafter as the base creature). The Quorbound template cannot be applied to a creature that already has the Quorbred template.

CR: HD of 4 or less: +1; HD of 5 -8: +2; HD of 9+: +3

Alignment: A quorbound creature's alignment is usually LE, but as the creature is now sentient, it can be of any alignment

Size and Type: The creature's size and type remains the same. It gains the psionic subtype.

AC: Same as the base creature.

Hit Dice: Same as the base creature.

Defensive Abilities: Same as the base creature.

Speed: Same as the base creature.

Attacks: Same as the base creature.

Damage: Same as the base creature.

Space / Reach: Same as base creature.

Special Attacks: Same as base creature.

Abilities: As base creature, with a +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +4 Intelligence and +4 Charisma. This is enough to make the creature sentient (if not very smart) and capable of using tactics.

Feats: Same as base creature

Skills: Due to the increased Intelligence, the base creature gains 2 skill ranks per Hit Dice that it has. These ranks are spent in Knowledge (psionics) and Spellcraft, which are now class skills for the base creature. The base creature also understands Quori and either Common or Reidran (based on where it is located) but does not speak unless it is physically capable of doing so.

Special Qualities:

Improved Senses (Ex): If the base creature does not already have either darkvision 60 ft or low-light vision, it gains them.

Psi-Like Abilities (Ps): A quorbound creature gets a certain number of psi-like abilities. The manifester level for these psi-like abilities is equal to the base creature's Hit Dice and all saving throw DC use the base creature's new Charisma modifier. The specific psi-like powers, and their uses per day, are based on the base creature's Hit Dice.

Environment: Same as the base creature.

Organization: Solitary

Treasure: Same as the base creature or Standard, whichever is more.

Source: SoS, p.g 150