Bracers of Wind

Aura: Moderate Conjuration; CL: 9th

Slot: Wrist; Price: 10,000 gp; Wgt: 1 lbs

Special Notes / Rules: Elemental Binding (air, 7-9 HD, usually a Large Air Elemental)

Source: MoE, pg. 117

Description: These bracers are mismatched, with one having a Khyber dragonshard mounted on it and the other being much smaller and lighter. Typically, the smaller bracer is worn on the arm holding the bow or aiming the crossbow, while the other is worn on the arm that draws the string or fires the bolt. While worn, the air around the wearer pulses and flows, providing a 30% miss chance against ranged weapon attacks up to, but not including, siege weapons and thrown boulders. It also provides the wearer with a +1 competence bonus to attack rolls made with ranged attacks that have mass. This includes thrown or ranged weapons and effects that actually create something and are then thrown, but not effects that just pure energy. These effects can be suppressed or reactivated together by asking for it in Auran. They cannot be suppressed or reactivated separately.

Construction Requirements: Bind Elemental, Craft Wondrous Item, Wind Wall

Construction Cost: 4,000 gp and a Khyber dragonshard worth 1,000 gp