Fiery Tunic

Aura: Moderate Conjuration; CL: 7th

Slot: Body; Price: 48,000 gp; Wgt: 2 lbs

Special Notes / Rules: Elemental Binding (fire, 7-9 HD, usually a Large Fire Elemental)

Source: MoE, pg. 118

Description: This tunic appears to be made of flame, but is safe to the touch and does not damage or ignite other equipment. When worn, the wearer gets a constant fire resistance 10. In addition, the wearer can, up to three times per day as an immediate action that does not provoke, ask in Ignan for the tunic to flare up. Doing so provides the wearer with the benefit of a Fire Shield effect for 5 rounds as well as give any weapon that the wearer is wielding or any unarmed attack to have the Flaming special weapon quality for the same duration. The Flaming special weapon quality immediately ends if the weapon leaves the wearer's hands, so it does not apply to thrown or ranged weapons. This effect can be dismissed as a swift action.

Construction Requirements: Bind Elemental, Craft Wondrous Item, Fire Shield, Resist Energy

Construction Cost: 23,000 gp and a Khyber dragonshard worth 1,000 gp