A list of the NPCs that have appeared in Eberron campaign


    • Professor Baxter Abdel (NG Human Bard (Archivist) 14); Professor of Pararcheology at Morgrave University, Sharn

    • Kishi (LG Kalashtar Artificer 12); maker of psionic items in Sharn, married with a daughter

    • Thogarn 'The Boar' (NG Half-Orc Druid 5 / Gatekeeper Mystagogue 9) - Leader of the Gatekeepers, cousin of Dagarak d'Tharashk

Friendly Contacts

  • Dagarak 'The Bear' d'Tharashk (NN Half-Orc Ranger 10) - Treasure hunter in Xen'Drik

    • Prince Oargev 'The Prince-in-Exile' ir'Wynarn (NG Human Aristocrat 6 / Bard 6) - Leader of the Cyran refugees at New Cyre

    • Lady Titania d'Orien (CG Human Aristocrat 7 / Dragonmarked heir 3) - Cousin to Oberon d'Orien

    • Sur'Kil (LG Mature Adult Silver Dragon) - Agent of The Chamber, liason with the party

Not-As-Friendly Contacts

    • 'Uncle Saidan' Boromar (LE Halfling Rogue 14?); Leader of Clan Boromar - Regional (Breland) Criminal Organization

    • Ek (NN Changeling Rogue 12?); Leader of the Tyrants - Local (Sharn) Criminal Organization

    • Rhashaak (NE Advanced Half-fiend Great Wyrm Black Dragon) - Keeper of Haka'torvhak