Dragonmark Demesne

School: Evocation [force]; Level: Bard 5, sorcerer / wizard 5

Casting Time: 1 standard action (see text)

Components: V,S

Range: 0 ft.

Effect: 20' radius sphere

Duration: 2 hours / level

Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No

Source: DGM, pg. 149

This spell requires that you touch the ground or other similar permanent horizontal surface, creating a 20' radius sphere of force (hardness 30, 20 hit points per caster level). The sphere does extend into the ground underneath and once cast, the sphere cannot be moved. So long as you are inside of the Dragonmark Demesne, you can allow people to enter as you desire without taking an action, as if the sphere did not exist for them. Those inside are always able to cross the boundary of the Dragonmark Demesne as a full round action, regardless of your intent. Because of this delay, it is not normally possible to attack across the boundary, unless the target is helpless.

If you have a Least Dragonmark (true or aberrant), you can expend one of your uses as part of the casting to make the internal temperature to stay a comfortable 70 degrees for the duration, regardless of the weather outside.

If you have a Lesser Dragonmark (true or aberrant), you can expend one of your uses as part of the casting to make the sphere transparent on one direction, allowing those inside to see those outside, but those outside only see a swirling pattern of colors that provide total concealment for those inside.

If you have a Greater Dragonmark (true or aberrant) or a Siberys Dragonmark, you can expend one your uses as part of the casting to lessen the delay of leaving the Dragonmark Demesne to nothing, allowing movement across the boundary without penalty and allowing attacks from inside the Dragonmark Demense to resolve normally. Those outside of the sphere are still limited by the force effect.

If you have multiple Dragonmark options available to you, as listed above, you can expend multiple uses as part of a single casting, to a maximum of one each. The casting time of the spell does not increase because of these options. However, if you use a Dragonmark option as part of the casting, your entire collection of dragonmark spell-like abilities are not available to you so long as you are outside of the Dragonmark Demesne. When the spell ends, regardless of how, this restriction is lifted.