Outsiders & Possession


Possession comes when one sentience, usually an outsider, attempts to enter the physical body of another sentient creature and override that creature's own body. In some cases, possession can be voluntary, but most often it comes as a form of attack, pitting the will of the invader against the will of the host. These rules are for creatures with the supernatural ability to possess others. For spells or powers that act similar to possession, use those rules instead.


There are certain terms concerning possession that are used frequently and need proper definitions.

Exorcist: A third party that attempts to end a possession.

Host: A living target of the possession; must a creature with mind and a physical body; usually must be a sentient creature but this more a matter of choice, rather than a requirement.

Invader: The foreign sentience that initiates the possession; usually an outsider.

Object: An inanimate target of the possession; must be a physical object that is either no larger than the invader or is otherwise immobile.

Released: The peaceful exiting of an invader from the host or object.

Resisted: A possession where the host is either unaware of the possession or is actively resisting it. As it is not the natural state to allow a possession, all possessions are resisted unless the host chooses otherwise.

Vented: The forceful removal of an invader from the host or object.

Willing: A possession where the host is willing to be possessed. The host need not be well-informed about this decision, but must willing to accept the possession.

Starting A Possession

An outsider that wishes to start a possession must first shed his material form and become an cloud of thought, with the incorporeal and engulf monster abilities. It is now considered the invader. While in this form, the outsider is incorporeal, immune to all forms of attack, but cannot attack or use any of his spells, spell-like abilities, psionic powers, psi-like abilities or supernatural abilities except to start a possession. While in this form, it has a fly speed of 250' with perfect maneuverability. Assuming this form takes a full-round action, during which the outsider is considered stunned, but still vulnerable to attack, as is returning from this form. Once the outsider is in this insubstantial form and makes physical contact with its target, the possession can start. The possession attempt is considered a supernatural ability.

Once the possession is attempted, if the target of the possession is a living target, known as a host, the host gets a Will save to resist the possession. The DC for this save is 10 + 1/2 the invader's Hit Dice + the invader's Charisma modifier. A host with the exact same alignment as the invader takes a -2 penalty to the saving throw, where a host has the exact opposite alignment of the invader gains a +2 circumstance bonus to the saving throw. If the host is currently acting in a way that fundamentally appeals to the invader (usually committing some form of violence or other deceptive behavior), he takes another -2 penalty to the saving throw. These modifiers are cumulative. If the saving throw is successful, the host resists the possession and can made a Sense Motive check, DC: 20, to recognize the attempt for what it was. If the saving throw fails, the possession starts. If the target of the possession is an unattended object, the possession is automatically successful. If the target is an attended object, the wielder makes the normal saving throw and Sense Motive check as if the possession targeted him directly. In either case, the invader can only attempt the possession once per day.

Undead and deathless creatures cannot be possessed, unless specified otherwise in their description. Outsiders with an alignment sub-type cannot be possessed by outsiders of the exact opposite alignment sub-type, although they still can be possessed by other invaders. If a possessed creature or object is targeted by another possession attempt, the two (or more) invaders make opposed Charisma checks. The loser(s) is immediately vented from the host or object (see Ending A Possession). While rare, it is possible for the host to want to be possessed, in which case no saving throw is needed. This is sometimes a requirement for some outsiders and the host does not need to be fully aware of the intent of the invader, only agree to be possessed. Once a host is possessed, he cannot change his mind on the matter until the invader is no longer possessing him.

Modes Of Possession

Once the possession is successful, the invader begins the possession in the Rider mode, being nothing more than an sentience within target. As a full round action, the invader can change modes, but some modes are only available with living hosts, while others are only available within objects. It can stay in any mode, except Controller, for as long as desired.

It is important to note that not all modes give the invader control of the target, nor does the host automatically know he is possessed. Regardless of whether or not the invader is in control, it can sense anything the host can sense or, in the case of objects, anything within 30' of the object, including the entire object's interior. Likewise, an invader cannot use any spells, spell-like abilities, psionic powers, psi-like abilities, supernatural or extraordinary effects while in any mode except the Controller mode.

An invader inside a host can read the surface thoughts of the host, as per the Detect Thoughts spell except that it is not a magical effect, the desired information is immediately available without having to wait three rounds and the DC for the Will save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the invader's Hit Dice + the invader's Charisma modifier. It is also capable of communicating telepathically with the host, although doing so immediately risks alerting the host to the possession without a substantial Bluff check.

Ally (Su):

Possessed: Host only

Control: Host

Effect: The invader can grant the host any one of the follow benefits, chosen by the host when this mode is taken. In order for the host to not be aware of the invader's influence, an opposed check between the host's Sense Motive and the Invader's Bluff is needed. If this benefit causes the host to perform in ways that are unusual for him, the Sense Motive check is made at a +5 circumstance bonus, but if this benefit causes the host to perform better at something he is already good at, the Sense Motive check is at a -5 penalty.

    • +4 profane bonus to any one attribute.

    • +2 profane bonus to Armor Class.

    • +2 profane bonus to saving throws.

    • +10 profane bonus to any one skill modifier or to the hosts' concentration check.

Animator (Su):

Possessed: Object only

Control: Invader

Effect: The invader manifests itself through the object it is possessing as per the Animate Objects spell with a caster level equal to the invader's Hit Dice, minimum of 11. If the object is larger than Colossal and is immobile, the caster level is equal to four times the invader's Hit Dice, but even the invader cannot cause the object to move from the location it is in. This effect lasts for a number of minutes equal to 1/2 the invader's Hit Dice + the invader's Charisma modifier, at which point the invader must return to the Rider mode for an equal period of time.

Controller (Su):

Possessed: Host only

Control: Invader

Effect: This is the classical form of possession, in which the invader takes control of the host's body and acts through it. When the invader attempts this mode, the host makes a Will save with a DC equal to 10 + 1/2 the invader's Hit Dice + the invader's Charisma modifier + 1 for every time the invader has successfully assumed the Controller mode so far. If the saving throw is successful, the host is immediately aware of the possession and the invader must immediately take the Rider mode for next eight hours. If the saving throw fails, the host's mind goes unconscious as the invader controls the body. While controlling the host's body, the invader and the host use their characteristics to determine a Possessed Creature, as per the monster template of the same name.

The invader is able to maintain this control for a number of minutes equal to 1/2 the invader's Hit Dice + the invader's Charisma modifier + 1 for every time the invader has successfully assumed the Controller mode so far. It then returns to the Rider mode for an equal period of time when the duration has expired. If the host is willing, this time spent in Controller mode is an equal number of hours, but the time spent in Rider mode afterwards is still measured in minutes. Whether or not the host remembers the events of the time while controlled is up to the invader, but unless the invader takes special care to leave the host in the same situation as when it took control, the host will know of the possession.

Corrupter (Ex or Su):

Possessed: Host or Object

Control: Host (see below)

Effect: The invader makes the life of the host, or the one who has the possessed object, more difficult. Once a hour, the invader can inflict a Bestow Curse on the host or wielder with the DC equal to 10 + 1/2 the invader's Hit Dice + the invader's Charisma modifier, although only one Bestow Curse effect can be affected the host or the object's wielder at a time. If the invader is possessing the host directly, this is an extraordinary effect, not a supernatural one. Instead, the invader is exerting a very small amount of control of the host's body at critical moments. The host must make a Sense Motive check, DC 20, each time this Bestow Curse effect prevents him from doing something he is normally capable of to recognize the possession for what it is.

Enemy (Su):

Possessed: Host only

Control: Invader

Effect: The invader actively works against the host in an overt manner, causing one of the following penalties. The host is immediately aware of the possession.

    • -4 penalty to any one attribute

    • -2 penalty to Armor Class.

    • -2 penalty to saving throws

    • -10 penalty to any one skill modifier or the host's concentration check.

Enhancer (Su):

Possessed: Object only

Control: Invader

Effect: The invader is able to provide whatever object it is possessing with an enchantment equal to a market price of 2,000 gp per Hit Dice. The object does not need to be masterwork for this enchantment to take effect, nor does it radiate as magical for the purposes of Detect Magic. It does radiate as the alignment of the invader for the purposes of Detect Evil or similar spells. The wielder of object does not necessarily know the benefit of this enchantment unless the invader decides to pass that information.

Rider (Ex):

Possessed: Host or Object

Control: Host or None

Effect: The invader is only along for the ride, leaving the host or the wielder of the item completely unaware of its presence. While in this mode, the invader does not radiate its normal alignment for the purposes of detection spells, nor is it affected by effects that specifically target its alignment, like being able to pass through a Magic Circle Versus Evil. If the invader is inside an object, touching the object counts as being touched for the purposes of initiating another possession.

Protection Against Possession

The best method to prevent possession is the presence of a Protection from Evil or Magic Circle Versus Evil (suited to the appropriate type), as it prevents the invader from making the necessary physical contact. However, experienced exorcists know that hiding in everyday items allows an invader to bypass this protection and, thus, they go a step further. The invader still has a consciousness and thus still registers under Detect Thoughts, even if it does not register under Detect Evil. Likewise, any effect that does alignment damage of the opposite type (holy vs. unholy, anarchic vs. axiomatic) will have a painful but otherwise cosmetic effect on someone or something that is possessed, immediately revealing it as such.

Ending A Possession

Certain spells are useful for driving out an invader. A Dispel Evil or appropriately similar spell can drive out an invader with a successful caster check with a DC equal to 10 + the invader's Hit Dice + the invader's Charisma modifier. Likewise, Banishment and Dismissal also drive out an invader that fails its saving throw.

Another, far more dangerous method involves goading the invader out through a successful Intimidate check. In order for this process to work, the person intimidating the invader cannot be protected in any manner that completely prevents a possession, such as a Magic Circle. If the Intimidate check is successful, the invader releases its hold on the original host or object and attempts to possess the person making the Intimidate check as part of the same full round action. At this point, the exorcist must make the normal Will save to resist possession. If successful, the invader is forced back into its normal form in a square adjacent to the exorcist, giving the exorcist and his group a slim window to eliminate the threat before the invader tries to flee or repossess the original host. Knowing the True Name of the invader gives a +5 circumstance bonus to both the Intimidate check and the subsequent Will save for the exorcist.

Any situation which causes the invader to be vented from the host or possessed object leaves the invader stunned for a round as it reverts back to its normal form. During this round, the invader is subject to attack but cannot act. However, if the host is killed while possessed, the invader does not have to leave the now dead body. It can still possess the dead body, now qualifying as an item, remain motionless until the dead body is examined and attempt to possess the examiner or release its hold and reform, taking the normal full round action.

Wresting Possession Control

Rarely, the host can wrest control of invader's spell-like or psi-like abilities when the contest of wills is clearly in the host's favor. If the host successfully resists five or more consecutive attempts by the invader to influence him, he can try to invoke one of the valid abilities. Doing so requires the host to succeed on another Will save and failure means the invader immediately takes the rider mode. If successful, he is then able to direct a single use of one spell-like or psi-like abilities, using the invader's caster or manifester level and saving throw DC.

Old System:

    • 4 HD

    • Charisma: 13+

    • Special spell-like ability allowing possession

    • +2 CR

    • Temporary form on the Ethereal plane, physical body is left behind (both forms die when body dies)

    • Will save: DC 10 + 1/2 outsider's HD + outsider's Chr mod (-2 to save for creatures that match outsider's alignment, -2 to save if target is committing an act appropriate to the outsider, usually violence)

    • Capable of hiding the outsider from Detect Evil and similar spells with a Bluff check, DC equal to the saving throw of the spell's DC. This hiding also covers alignment based effects or effects that specifically target outsiders, like Protection from Evil (although the host may also trigger).

    • Auto-gain to surface thoughts, access memories (Will save: DC 10 + 1/2 outsider's HD + outsider's Chr mod)

    • Forms

      • Rider: Observe only, but +4 to Bluff check to hide from detection spells

      • Ally: +4 profane bonus to 1 of host's attributes

      • Controller: Will save: DC: 10 + 1/2 outsider's HD + outsider's Chr mod + 1 per previous failed attempt that day; 3 consecutive successes means the outsider cannot attempt again for 24 hours. While resisting, host is staggered. Maintains control for rounds equal to 1/2 outsider's HD + outsider's Chr mod + 1 per previous successful attempt.

        • While controlled, the outsider uses the host's physical body, physical stats, senses, skills, feats, abilities and knowledge.

        • If the outsider has 9+ HD, Int of 15+ and successfully possessed the host for at least 10 rounds per day for seven days, it also has access to spell-like abilities.

        • If used on an object, the object cannot move in ways it is not capable of and no faster than the outsider's base movement.

        • If the outsider has 10+ HD and Chr of 17+, possessed object is as animated object with CR equal to fiends

      • Corrupter: Host, or those that touch possessed object, are subject to Bestow Curse with DC: 10 + 1/2 outsider's HD + outsider's Chr

      • Enemy: -4 penalty to 1 of host's attributes

      • Enhancer: Possessed object acts as magical item worth 2,000 gp per outsider's HD, but does not detect as magical (although does detect as alignment when used). Does not need to be masterwork.

Pathfinder System (from Council of Thieves - Part 4: The Infernal Syndrome):

    • Possess Creature feat (Chr: 20, Evil outsider w/ 10+ HD)

    • Possess Object feat (Chr: 18, Evil outsider w/ 9+ HD)

    • Possess Location feat (Chr: 16, Evil outsider w/ 8+ HD)

    • Each: 1/day as full round, become incorporeal and target host, Will save: 10 + 1/2 outsider's HD + Chr mod; If successful, fiend shifts back and is stunned for 1 round

    • Gains a number of Possession Points per day equal to HD

    • Dispel Evil or similar will exorcism the possesor with Caster level check: 10 + outsider's HD + outsider's CR mod. Banishment and Dismissal are automatically successful with failed save.

    • Can be ended with Intimidation, but intimidater must make a Will save to avoid possession and then original host must make save to avoid being repossessed

    • List of abilities

      • Defile Body (3 PP)

      • Elusive Presence (3 or 1 PP)

      • Fiendish Manifestation (3 PP)

      • Subversive (3 PP)

      • Alter Mood (5 PP)

      • Fiendish Force (5 PP)

      • Read Thoughts (5 PP), not automatic

      • Vile Gout (5 PP)

      • Read Memories (7 PP)

      • Drain Host (7 PP)

      • Empower Host (7 PP)

      • Dominate Body (9 PP)

      • Erase Memories (9 PP)

      • Make Pact (9 PP)

      • Transfer Spell-like Ability (9 PP)

      • See (3 PP)

      • Read User (5 PP)

      • Animation (7 or 13 PP)

      • Corrupt User (7 PP)

      • Dispel Enhancement (7 PP)

      • Reinvigoration (7 PP)

      • Enhance (9 PP)

      • Seed Area (5 PP)

      • Read Inhabitants (7 PP)

      • Dominion (Variable PP)