Undead Servant Gemstone

Aura: Faint Necromacy; CL: 3rd

Slot: Slotless; Price: 350 gp; Wgt: -

Source: EotLQ, pg. 11

Description: When this enchanted piece of onyx is placed inside the mouth of a corpse, it animates the creature into either a standard skeleton or zombie, under the control of the one who put the piece of onyx in its mouth. The maximum Hit Dice for either option 2 Hit Dice and no special variants can be selected when animating the corpse in this fashion. This is a use-activated item, requiring no special training or knowledge on the part of the person animating the corpse. When the corpse in animated, the Undead Servant Gemstone crumbles to dust in its mouth.

Undead animated in this fashion count against the controllers normal amount of Hit Dice. If the controller does not have a normal amount of Hit Dice for controlling undead, he may control up to his character level in Hit Dice, to a minimum of 2 Hit Dice. Attempts to control more undead than this limit are handled as per the rules for Animate Dead.

Construction Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Lesser Animate Dead

Construction Cost: 175 gp