High Elemental Binder


In a world where a great number of thaumaturgical advancements rely on the use of bound elementals, none would say that getting these primal forces of nature to cooperate is ever easy. And yet, there are those that manage to develop more of a bound with their would-be servants, providing them with a link to the material world that is more than just a cage. High elemental binders do not kid themselves into thinking that the world could run without the occassional imprisonment of an elemental (or at least very few do), but most understand the need between mortals use of binding magic and the requirements of the elementals to interact with our plane of existence. It is from this understanding that they can get elementals to do things and act in ways that few other rank-and-file mages can accomplish.

Role: High elemental binders are arcanists with the benefit of a few elemental bruisers constantly around to back them up. In addition to having significant mastery over the arcane arts, their elementals can provide a significant amount of added punch. And if the binder is the kind to get up close, their own instant bindings allow them to never be without the benefit of some magical gear. Wizards, summoners and artificers are often drawn to this prestige class.

Source: PGoE, pg. 104

Alignment: High elemental binders are not required to have any alignment, but tend to be neutral due to the nature of their relationship with elementals.

Hit Dice: d8


To qualify to become a high elemental binder, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks, Knowledge (planes) 5 ranks.

Feats: Bind Elemental, Craft Magic Arms & Armor.

Special: Ability to cast 3rd level arcane spells or infusions, speak either Aquan, Auran, Ignan or Terran.

Class Skills:

The high elemental binder's class skills (and the key abilities for each skill) are Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Chr), Knowledge (all) (Int), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int) and Use Magic Device (Chr).

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Table: The High Elemental Binder

Class Features:

All of the following are class features of the asdf prestige class.

Weapons and Armor Proficiency: The high elemental binder does not gain any new weapon or armor proficiencies.

Spells per Day / Spells Known: At the indicated levels, a high elemental binder gains new spells per day as if she had also gained a level in a spellcasting class he belonged to before adding the prestige class. He does not, however, gain other benefits a character of that class would have gained, except for additional spells per day, spells known (if he is a spontaneous caster), and an increased effective level of spellcasting. If he had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a high elemental binder, he must decide to which class he adds the new level for the purpose of determining spells per day. Once this decision is made, it cannot be changed. Artificers and infusions count as arcane spellcasters for this class feature.

Elemental Companion (Sp): Starting at 1st level, the high elemental binder gains a once per day spell-like ability to summon a specific elemental of either air, earth, fire or water, as per Summon Monster, with a few exceptions. First, the duration of the summoning is 2 hours per class level. Second, the summoning only takes a standard action that does not provoke. However, once the choice of which kind of elemental has been made, it cannot be changed. This elemental is always the same elemental, meaning it remembers what it observes, learns from experience and expects a relationship more like an animal companion than a summoned creature. As the high elemental binder gains levels, the specific elemelemental ws in size and the high elemental binder gains the services of up to three more elementals (one of each type).

The elemental is always at full hit points when it is summoned and without any conditions or temporary bonuses that it might have had, regardless of how much damage it may have taken or what effects might have been used before. Likewise, as a summoned creature, it returns to its home plane when it brought to 0 hit points, is dismissed or otherwise removed. The elemental cannot bring items with it from its home plane, nor do items go with it when it returns. Dismissing the elemental is a free action. In all other ways, treat this spell-like ability as the appropriate Summon Monster spell, listed below.

At 1st level, the elemental(s) summoned are Small elementals, as per Summon Monster II.

At 4th level, the elementals summoned are Medium elementals, as per Summon Monster IV.

At 7th level, the elementals summoned are Large elementals, as per Summon Monster V.

At 10th level, the elementals summoned are Huge elementals, as per Summon Monster VI.

At 3rd level, the high elemental binder is able to summon one additional specific elemental once per day. Once the type is chosen, it cannot be changed and it cannot be the same type (air, earth, fire or water) as the previous type chosen.

At 6th level, the high elemental binder is able to summon one additional specific elemental once per day. Once the type is chosen, it cannot be changed and it cannot be the same type (air, earth, fire or water) as the previous types chosen.

At 9th level, the high elemental binder is able to summon one additional specific elemental once per day. The type chosen must be the last remaining type not yet chosen, so that the high elemental binder has one specific elemental of each type (air earth, fire and water).

Instant Bind (Su): Starting at 2nd level, the high elemental binder can temporarily bind one of his elementals, as a swift action into an touched object. In order to do this, the high elemental binder can only use one of the elementals summoned through his Elemental Companion class ability and the high elemental binder must be adjacent to the elemental to be bound. The high elemental binder can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Chr modifier. The types of objects that a high elemental binder can bind, the effects they provide and their duration, are based on his class level. Once the binding is over, the elemental reappears adjacent to the object it was bound into it and the object returns to its previous non-bound state. The object in question does not need to have a Khyber dragonshard, but is in all other ways handled as per the Elemental Binding rules.

At 2nd level, the high elemental binder can bind his elemental companions into weapons, to a maximum of 1 each. The weapon does not need to be magical, but it must not already have a bound elemental inside it. Once bound, the weapon obtains one of the four following special weapon qualities, based on the elemental chosen. The weapon is considered magical for purposes of damage reduction, even if it doesn't necessarily have a enchantment bonus. This binding lasts for 1 minute.

Air: Finesse

Earth: Earthbound

Fire: Scorching

Water: Waterborn

At 5th level, the high elemental binder can bind his elemental companions into armor, to a maximum of 1 each. The armor does not need to be magical, but it must not already have a bound elemental inside it. Once bound, the armor obtains one of the four following special armor qualities, based on the elemental chosen. This binding lasts for 1 hour.

Air: Whirlwind

Earth: Stonemeld

Fire: Burning

Water: Underwater Action

At 8th level, the high elemental binder can bind his elemental companions into himself directly, to a maximum of 1. Once bound, the high elemental binder receives one of four following sets of benefits, based on the elemental chosen. This binding lasts for 1 hour.

Air: The high elemental binder gains a +4 dodge bonus to AC, a +4 untyped bonus to Reflex saves and a fly speed of 120' (perfect). Lastly, he gets electricity resistance 30.

Earth: The high elemental binder gains a +4 natural armor bonus to AC, a +4 untyped bonus to Fortitude saves and a +4 bonus to his CMD to avoid bull rushes, being overrun, tripped, reposition attempts or any other attempt to move him, provided that he is standing on earth or stone. Lastly, he gets acid resistance 30.

Fire: The high elemental binder gains a +4 untyped bonus to initiative and Reflex saves and his unarmed or natural attacks do an additional 2d6 points of fire damage. If the high elemental binder does not normally threaten while unarmed, he does so while this binding is in place. Lastly, he gets fire resistance 30.

Water: The high elemental binder gains +4 untyped bonus to Fortitude saves, the ability to breathe underwater, a swim speed of 120'. While in the water, he has 50% concealment. Lastly, he gets cold resistance 30.

Also, at 8th level, the high elemental binder can bind his elemental companions into vehicles, to a maximum of 1 each. The vehicle does not need to be magical, but it must not already have a bound elemental inside it. The method of movement of the vehicle will determine what elemental can be chosen for this. While bound, the vehicle gets an increase to its speed equal to +60' for Large elementals, or +90' for Huge elementals, and is capable of being steered by the elemental itself. The elemental is never uncontrolled unless the high elemental binder wishes it to be. This type of binding lasts for a number of hours equal to the high elemental binder's Charisma modifier.

Air: Vehicles with a fly speed or swim speed above water.

Earth: Vehicles with a land speed or burrow speed.

Fire: Vehicles with a fly speed or land speed.

Water: Vehicles with a swim speed (either above water or underwater).