Banner of the Storm's Eye

Aura: Faint Enchantment; CL: 7th

Slot: Slotless; Price: 15,000 gp; Wgt: 2 lbs

Source: EB, pg. 155

Description: In order to use this magical item, it must either be prominently carried by someone or has been planted in a stationary, prominent location. Prominently carrying a banner does not cost an action, but requires two hands or a special harness designed to carry the banner. If the bearer attempts to hide by any means, the banner's effect immediately ends. If he does so, he must spend a full round action that provokes in order to regain others attention in order to reactivate the banner's effect. Planting the banner in a prominent location requires a standard action and the location to be void of any cover or concealment by those it effects. The banner's effects remain active until the banner is removed, destroyed or otherwise tampered with by an enemy, requiring the banner to be replanted again for the effect to start again.

While the banner is active, those within 20 feet have any of the following conditions suppressed while within the area of effect: confused, dazed, fatigued, frightened, shaken or stunned. However, when presented by a trained duur'kala, or dirge-singer, these banners have an even greater effect.

To be considered a duur'kala for the purposes of a Banner of the Storm's Eye, one must have the bardic performance class ability and that bardic performance class ability must have an audible component using the Goblin language. While using a bardic performance class ability under the effect of an active Banner of the Storm's Eye, the area of effect that the banner generates extends to include everyone that can hear the bardic performance and understands Goblin, which is usually 60 feet, based on local conditions. The conditions that are suppressed while in the area of effect also include cowered, exhausted and panicked.

Construction Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Calm Emotions

Construction Cost: 7,500 gp