Homunculus, Iron Defender

A growl, too metallic to be natural, rises from around the corner. With a clink-clank, four metal paws carry what looks like a small wolf into your field of view. Certainly, you knew the mage's home would not be unguarded and a single iron defender has been known to fall to your sword. But, your composure begins to falter as another... and another... and another come from out from behind doors, under crates and down the hall that you entered. The last time you felt panic like this was when you were once surrounded as a little boy by wolves in the forests of the Eldeen Reaches... and sadly, this time, you don't have your father to protect you.

Homunculus, Iron Defender

CR 1

XP: 400

Any Alignment (same as creator) Small Construct (Living Construct)

Init: +2; Senses: low-light vision, darkvision 60'; Perception +5


AC: 17, Touch 13, Flat-Footed 15 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +4 natural armor)

HP: 21 hp (2d10+10)

Fort: +0; Ref: +2; Will: +0

Immune: Construct Traits


Speed: 50'

Melee: Bite +5 (1d6+3)

Space: 5; Reach: 5 ft.


Str 14, Dex 15, Con -, Int 8, Wis 11, Chr 7

Base Atk: +2; CMB: +3; CMD: 15

Feats: Weapon Focus (bite)

Skills: Perception +5


Telepathic Link (Su): Iron defenders cannot speak, but maintain a constant telepathic link to their master. Through this link, they instantly understand everything their master desires, knows what he knows and can provide complete understanding of their surroundings back to their master. This link is maintained regardless of the distance, but going more than 1,500 feet causes a noticeably nervousness within the construct. An iron defender will never willing go beyond this range. Should an iron defender be forced outside of this distance, it will attempt to return to the master regardless of commands, until it is within 1,500 feet again.


Environment: Any

Organization: Solitary

Treasure: None

Role: None

Source: ECB, pg. 287

Iron defenders are shaped like small wolves made entirely out of metal. Their backs, legs and feet are covered in small razors and their eyes are usually a glowing red. Created as guard dogs and personal bodyguards, they are somewhat common among the magically talented of Eberron. Like all homunculi, should an iron defender be destroyed, its master takes 2d10 points of damage and should the master be destroyed, or the telepathic link somehow becomes severed, the iron defender goes insane, loosing its Intelligence, feats, and skills.


Iron defenders are forged from iron and one pint of blood. This body costs 250 gp. After the form is forged, it is animated through magical rites, requiring an additional 1,000 gp worth of reagents and arcane materials. The person who donated the blood, which is not necessarily the creator, is the iron defenders's master. Iron defenders can be created with additional hit dice, each additional an additional 2,000 gp to the base cost.

Caster Level: 7th; Price: 2,250 gp

Requirements: Craft Construct, arcane eye, keen edge, mirror image, mending; Skill: Craft (metalworking) DC 16; Cost: 1,250 gp.