Robe of Arcane Might

Aura: Faint, Moderate or Strong Abjuration and Moderate other (see text); CL: 4th (+2), 8th (+4), 12th (+6) or 18th (+8)

Slot: Body; Price: 21,000 gp (+2), 38,000 gp (+4), 58,000 gp (+6) or 86,000 (+8); Wgt: 1 lbs

Source: EB, pg. 153

Description: These robes are always aligned with one of the eight main schools of magic (any except universal) and colored and trimmed with symbols common to that school. When worn by a spellcaster, all level-depended variables of spells of the aligned school are considered to be two levels higher. This does not provide the spellcaster with additional spells or spells of higher spell levels, but apply to caster level checks, range, duration, damage dealt or healed and any other aspect depended on the caster level. In addition, the robes provide an armor bonus equal to the bonus listed, +2, +4, +6 or +8. The robes do not impose any arcane failure chance, armor check penalty or maximum Dexterity to AC.

The aligned school is chosen when the Robes of Arcane Might is created and cannot be changed later. Classes that act as spellcasters but do not actually cast spells, like artificers with infusions or alchemists with extracts do gain the benefits of these robes, but some schools are more useful than others. Since these robes are specifically tuned to the schools of magic, the caster level bonus does not apply to psionic manifesters, although they would still benefit from the armor bonus.

Construction Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Mage Armor, the creator must be a specialist wizard of the appropriate school of magic

Construction Cost: 10,500 gp (+2), 19,000 gp (+4), 29,000 gp (+6) or 43,000 (+8)