
All of the core classes from 3.5 have their appropriate equivalents in Pathfinder. Some, but not all, of the non-core classes do as well. However, to find them, one will probably need access to additional materials, like the Advanced Player's Guide or Ultimate Combat or the material from Dreamscarred Press for anything psionic-based. It is entirely possible that the class does not exist at all (like the Warlock... Thanks be to Siberys for that), in which case, translating a character from 3.5 to Pathfinder may be more of a challenge. Review not just the classes that are available, but the many class options as well, to find the appropriate substitute.

One class that has not been done officially in Pathfinder and is absolutely essential to Eberron is the Artificer. It is a full 20 level base class with abilities similar to spellcasting. However, the class excels in support roles and magical item creation and augmentation.

Class Options:

Racial Substitution levels have been replaced with Archetypes. For changelings, see the Spy archetype. For kalashtar and Empty Vessels, see the Ki Mystic archetype. For shifters, see Totem Druids and Shapeshifter Ranger archetypes. For warforged, see the Armor Master and Unbreakable fighter archetypes and the Divine Defender archetype for paladins. For divine classes, the list of deities and their respective domains and mysteries are listed below.

Prestige Classes:

Many of the prestige classes presented in the Eberron material have rewritten to comply with the Pathfinder rule set. Some have been removed, as they are redundant with other class options or prestige classes already in Pathfinder.

Mythic Rules:

Mythic Adventures, presented by Paizo, opened up the option of Mythic Tiers. This material, however, does not cover any psionic options. Until official Mythic material is presented by Dreamscarred Press, I am presenting the following material. Should such material become presented, this page will be updated to follow their precedent.