
Dragonmarked items are items that are specifically crafted to augment or amplify the spell-like abilities provided through dragonmarks (either true or aberrent). Dragonmarked item creation is considered Talismanic Item Creation (as per UCam, pg. 173), with the following exceptions. All dragonmarked items involve the abilities, spell-like or otherwise, of Dragonmark Feats in some fashion.


The creation of a dragonmarked item is the least involved of the complex items, as it is really only Talismanic Item Creation. Thus, with the exception of the talismanic cost, it can be mostly hand-waived.


No special item creation feats are needed to make a dragonmarked item, other than what would be needed for a normal magical item of the same type.


The price of dragonmarked item is determined in the same fashion as normal magical items. Given that they can only be used by those with dragonmark spell-like abilities, many dragonmarked items receive the typical 10% discount for having this prerequisite. Dragonmarked items that require a specific dragonmark spell-like ability (see Complications) can have a higher discount, to a maximum of 30%.


The usual cost in raw materials needed to create a dragonmarked item is roughly 40% of the price of the dragonmarked item, instead of the normal 50%. On rare occasion, the cost can be much lower, even as low as 0%. Regardless, the combined total of the cost in raw materials and the talismanic cost must equal one half the price of the dragonmarked item.

Talismanic Cost

Every dragonmarked item requires one or more Siberys dragonshard. The total cost of this talismanic component is typically 10% of price of the price of the dragonmarked item. Occassionally, the cost of the Siberys dragonshards can be much more, up to a full 50% of the price of the cost. Regardless, the combined total of the cost in raw materials and the talismanic cost must equal one half the price of the dragonmarked item.


The time required to make a dragonmarked item is the standard 1 day per 1,000 gp, plus 1 day (8 hours of work), to attune the Siberys dragonshards to a specific dragonmark, if required. This extra day of work can be reduced as per the normal magical item creation rules.


The process of making a dragonmarked item is no more involved than creating a normal magical item, with the exception that every dragonmarked item has the additional prerequisite of "creator must have the appropriate dragonmark". This prerequisite can be bypassed as per the normal rules for increasing the DC.


Dragonmarked items are used much like other magical items, with some unusual benefits and complications, detailed below.


Dragonmarked items are able to augment, alter or enhance the spell-like abilities provided by dragonmarks. In order for a magical item to be able to have a similar effect on dragonmarked spell abilities, that does not affect all spell-like abilities, it must be a dragonmarked it. Otherwise, the only benefit that dragonmarked items provide is what the specific item provides.


All dragonmarked items have the following complications.

Limited Dragonmark: The purpose of dragonmarked is to augment or amplify the abilities of dragonmarks. As such, when created, a dragonmarked item is usually attuned to a specific type of dragonmark, either one specific aberrant mark or one of the true dragonmarks. If this option is required, once it is chosen, it cannot be changed. Those that do not have the specific dragonmark that the dragonmarked item is attuned to cannot use the item without the appropriate Use Magic Device check.

Useage: Dragonmarked items can only either affect dragonmark spell-like abiltiies or require the use of a dragonmark spell-like ability to activate another kind of effect. Sometimes, a specific kind of dragonmark spell-like ability, rather than just a type of dragonmark, is needed. As such, the more restrictive the requirements of the dragonmarked item, the bigger discount it gets for its total price.


The following are examples of dragonmarked items already in this conversion.