
Aura: Strong Abjuration, Divination and Enchantment; CL: 20th

Slot: Neck; Wgt: 1/2 lbs

Special Notes / Rules: Artifact

Source: SoX, pg. 155


Shira is the name of a massive intelligent docent. It looks like a medallion the size of a man's palm, with a mithral sphere ringed on both sides with arcane runes. Shira is LN, has Intelligence 24, Wisdom 22, Charisma 22 and the following skills: Knowledge (history) +25, Knowledge (planes) +25, Linguistics +25, Perception+24, Sense Motive +24 and Spellcraft +25. It knows all languages, has the ability to communicate telepathically, use Analyze Dweomer and Mind Blank at will and an Ego score of 42. But Shira's most impressive ability is that it is the source of the method used by House Cannith to create the warforged. While it cannot create warforged out of thin air, if presented with inert body of a Small or Medium construct, it can bestow sentience to the construct over the course of one hour of concentration.

One would think that such a powerful docent would be pursued religiously by some warforged. And while that is somewhat true, Shira's existence is a secret kept at all costs by the Cannith forge workers. The current fate of Shira is something of a mystery. It is known (only to the inner circle of House Cannith) that Shira was intentionally fractured into four pieces to operate the four active lifeforges. One of these pieces is missing, somewhere in the Mournland. Where the other three are is a secret that House Cannith have killed to protect.