Healing Nodules

Price: 12,500 gp; Slot: Body; Type: Plant; Weight: 6 lb; Install DC: 25; Implantation Value: 3

Aura: Moderate Transmutation; CL: 11th;

Special Notes / Rules: Implants

Source: MoE, pg. 134

Description: By replacing your skin with that of a dryad's skin, prepared in a bed of edible mushrooms, you begin to grow mushrooms off of your shoulders, back or chest. These mushrooms can be plucked off and eaten, using the same action to retrieve and drink a potion. One mushroom holds the same effect of a Cure Serious potion. Another mushroom holds the same effect as a Remove Disease potion. Both have a caster level equal to the recipient's Hit Dice. These two mushrooms regrow one day after either has been plucked, but neither mushroom retains its potency for more than 1 minute afterwards. Other mushrooms can be plucked and eaten, but all that accomplishes is to allow others to consume the food reserves that the recipient himself has already eaten. While this is useful if the recipient can safely consume food that others cannot, it does not provide any additional food.

Lastly, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saves versus mind-affecting effects. This bonus stacks with other plant implants.


Craft DC: 23; Cost: 3.125 gp

Requirements: Craft Implant (plant), Cure Serious Wounds, Remove Disease

Donor Requirement: The skin of a dryad