Rock Boots

Aura: Moderate Conjuration; CL: 5th

Slot: Feet; Price: 3,000 gp; Wgt: 1 lbs

Special Notes / Rules: Elemental Binding (earth, 4-6 HD, usually a Medium Earth Elemental)

Source: MoE, pg. 119

Description: These heavy boots are made from pieces of stone, bound by thick leather. While worn, the wearer gains a +4 competence bonus to CMD to resist bull rush and trip maneuvers so long as he is standing on the ground or a surface made of stone. He can also cross difficult terrain caused by natural earth-based conditions (gravel, mountain slope, sand but not plants) without penalty. The wearer can also stomp one of his feet, as a standard action that does not provoke, up to three times per day. Doing generates a shock wave in a 30' cone, knocking any creature standing on the ground prone (Reflex DC 13 to negate). This effect does not apply to creatures that are flying or are somehow not in contact with the ground and it cannot be used if the wearer is not standing on the ground or on a surface made of stone.

The boots do have one side effect. The stone soles of the boots inflict a -2 penalty to Stealth checks.

Construction Requirements: Bind Elemental, Craft Wondrous Item, Force Punch, Feather Step

Construction Cost: 1,000 gp and a Khyber dragonshard worth 500 gp