Spare Hand

Aura: Moderate Transmutation; CL: 11th

Slot: Belt; Price: 12,000 gp; Wgt: 5 lbs

Source: MoE, pg. 110

Description: A Spare Hand is a wide leather belt that has a single pale arm, ending in a three-finger hand, attached to one side. When worn, the Spare Hand can either provide a +2 competence bonus to Climb and Escape Artist checks and to CMB and CMD for the purposes of grappling or it can hold an item, thus freeing up the wearer's own hands for other things. Placing an item in a Spare Hand, or retrieving it, is a free action that does not provoke. However, the Spare Hand cannot be used for any other function without the use of a sacrificed infusion (not spell, extract or power).

Sacrificing an infusion to the Spare Hand takes 1 minute and the benefits of which last for 24 hours, even if the Spare Hand is suppressed for a period of time during that 24 hours. Only one infusion can be sacrificed to the Spare Hand per 24 hours. The degree of the benefit is based on the level of the infusion sacrificed.

1st level: The Spare Hand can retrieve or store an object once per round on the wearer's turn without the wearer spending an action

2nd level: The Spare Hand can retrieve or store an object once per round on the wearer's turn without the wearer spending an action. If the Spare Hand is given a shield that the wearer is proficient with, the wearer gains the bonus to his Armor Class while still using both hands for something else. The wearer still suffers any Armor Penalty or chance of spell failure from the shield.

3rd level: The Spare Hand can retrieve or store an object once per round on the wearer's turn without the wearer spending an action. If the Spare Hand is given a shield that the wearer is proficient with, the wearer gains the bonus to his Armor Class while still using both hands for something else. The wearer still suffers any Armor Penalty or chance of spell failure from the shield. If the Spare Hand is given a light one-handed weapon that the wearer is proficient with, the Spare Hand can be used to make an attack with the light weapon as a off-hand attack, as per the rules for Two-Weapon Fighting, while the wearer still using both hands. If the light one-handed weapon needs two hands to reload (like firearms and hand crossbows), it cannot reload the weapon by itself.

Construction Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Animate Object

Construction Cost: 6,000 gp