
Skill Conversion

As Pathfinder uses a slightly different skill set and amounts of skill ranks than v3.5, use the follow to convert from one to the other. Psicraft has now been combined with Spellcraft, as has Use Psionic Device been combined with Use Magic Device.

New Skills

This site uses the new skills Autohypnosis and Knowledge (psionics) detailed in Psionics Unleashed from Dreamscarred Press.

New Uses For Skills

The following details new uses for listed skills.

Craft - All

Given the advanced crafting techniques available in Eberron, I recommend using the Making Craft Work pdf by Spes Magna Games.

Diplomacy - New Modifiers

Aspects of social interaction that have not come up regularly in published Pathfinder material takes on a significantly more important role in Eberron. Topics such as racism, class discrimination, wealth and the after effects of the Last War still play heavily on the minds of the common people. As such a number of modifiers for Diplomacy, introduced in S:CoT, pg. 128, have been added to every use of that skill.

Diplomacy - Urban Tracking

Finding a specific someone in a community is significantly different than finding someone out in the wild. It relies more on knowing who to talk to, what to say and where to be in order to overhear the right conversations. When tracking someone or a group in a community, it is assumed that the player is spending time trekking throughout the community. During this time, the GM makes a series of secret Diplomacy checks, using the following tables to determine the number of checks, DCs and modifiers. Any modifier to Diplomacy for gathering information applies to this check as well. Each check takes 1 hour and each check can be retried.

Once all of the checks are successful, the player has either found the area (building, sewer, street, etc) that the quarry is hiding or has definitively determined that the quarry is not in the community he is searching in. Approaching the quarry at this point is now a matter of Perception and Stealth checks. Bonuses from the favored community class feature of Urban Rangers, as well as other urban-oriented bonuses to Survival, also apply to the Diplomacy check for Urban Tracking.

* This always applies to changelings and other races that can naturally disguise themselves.

Try Again: You can retry Diplomacy checks for Urban Tracking.

Heal (or Appraise) - Autopsy

To examine a dead body for clues, it takes an hour and requires a Heal check, DC 10. This will determine the basic cause of death. For every 5 points over the DC, the result reveals one more important piece of information. The process is the same for examining a destroyed or decayed object, but it uses the Appraise skill instead of Heal. The DC for the check and the amount of information learned remains the same. However, the longer the subject has been decaying, or if the subject has been disturbed, the more difficult it is to examine. See the modifiers below.

Depending on what is discovered, additional Knowledge checks may be needed. For example death by poison or drug will require a Knowledge (nature) check, DC 10 + the substance’s CR. Death by magic may require a Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (planes) check to identify a spell or summoned creature at the standard DC for the spell involved.

Try Again: You can retry Heal checks for Autopsies.

Intimidation (or other social skills) - Interrogation

In order to interrogate someone, there are three options. Regardless of which option you take, the time required is 1 hour per check and a number of successful checks needed is equal to twice the target's Wisdom modifier, minimum of 2, in order for them to 'break. Any option can be done quickly, requiring 1 full minute per check, at a +10 DC. Once the number of checks has been reached, the target provides you with the desired information.

    • "Bad Cop": Intimidation, DC: 10 + 1/2 target's HD + Wisdom modifier + saving throw bonuses versus fear. In addition, the target must believe you are causing him harm in way he cannot prevent. This can be actual harm or done by a Bluff vs. Sense motive check. Targets that are immune to fear are also immune to this option. This method can be retried.

    • "Good Cop": Diplomacy, DC: 15 + target's current reaction + the appropriate Request modifier (as per Diplomacy). In addition the target must believe you are willing to help him or give him some valuable resource. This can be actual help or payment or done by a Bluff vs. Sense Motive check. This method can be retried.

    • "Sneaky Cop" Opposed Bluff vs. Sense Motive AND Opposed Sense Motive vs. Bluff. Each pair counts as a single check when comparing against the target's Wisdom modifier. This method cannot be retried.

Try Again: You can retry Intimidation checks for "Bad Cop" interrogation, but each attempt raises the DC by +5. You can retry "Good Cop" interrogation, but only if you actually provide help or a valuable resource. You cannot retry "Sneaky Cop" interrogation.

Knowledge: Any - Region of Origin

Knowledge checks made concerning your region of origin can be made untrained up to DC 15, instead of the normal DC 10.

Knowledge: Any - Research

If you have access to a sizable library that covers the topics you are interested in, you can use the library to retry any failed Knowledge check. Likewise, while using the library, you can make any Knowledge check untrained. To use a library, you must spend a certain amount of time with it, but the library itself provides a circumstance bonus to your Knowledge check, based on the table below.

Linguistics - Forgery

Technically, this isn't a new use for the Linguistics skill, however if you have the ability to cast Arcane Mark, you can attempt to forge another's Arcane Mark with an appropriate secret Linguistics check, with a -10 modifier.

Linguistics - Language List

Below is the list of the languages on Eberron.

Sense Motive - Assessing Your Opponent

Provided that you can see or otherwise sense your opponent, you can use Sense Motive to determine the class(es) and levels of your opponent. Doing so is part of the same action as a Knowledge check to identify a creature. The DC to do so is 5 + their CR for common classes, DC 10 + their CR for uncommon classes or DC 15 + their CR for rare classes. Rarity is based on the specific game, but corebook classes are usually more common than others and having an archetype is rarer than not having one. Because this is a Sense Motive check, opponents with ranks in Bluff add their Bluff modifier to the DC to assess them.

If you are successful, you correctly determine the class with the highest level and their skill in relation to yours (less than your HD -2, your HD +/- 1 or greater than your HD +2). For each 5 you beat the DC by, you can determine one new piece of information (as per the Knowledge skill), including the exact class level and the existing or any multi-classing. Assessing your opponent will never determine what, if any, spells or powers he has already cast unless they have a visual component.

Try Again: You can retry Sense Motive checks to Assess Your Opponent, but no more than once per encounter.

Spellcraft - Examine Dragonmark

If you can visually examine a dragonmark, you can make a Spellcraft check to determine the strength. The DC is 15 for Least dragonmarks, 20 for Lesser, 25 for Greater and 30 for Siberys. If you can take 1 full minute doing so, you also learn the exact spell-like abilities available to the bearer.

Try Again: You can retry Spellcraft checks to Examine Dragonmarks.

Stealth - Hiding Someone Else

In order to hide someone other than yourself, you must have them in a grapple and they must be your size or smaller. If the person is cooperating, then the penalty to your Stealth check is their CMB. If the person is resisting, then the penalty to your Stealth check is their CMD.

Try Again: You cannot retry Stealth checks to Hide Someone Else.

Stealth - Tailing Someone

If you need to tail someone, make opposed Stealth vs your target's Perception checks. If you are within 60', make this check every round. If you are beyond 60', make this check every minute. You must be able to locate your target at least every other round. Apply the following circumstance modifiers to your Stealth check. If you fail a Stealth check, you have been spotted. At that point, the target can attempt to run, fight, or pretend you are not noticed and attempt lure you into a trap (your Sense Motive vs. their Bluff).

Try Again: You cannot retry Stealth checks to Tail Someone.