Somatic Cables

Aura: Moderate Transmutation; CL: 9th

Slot: Chest; Price: 16,000 gp; Wgt: 1 lbs

Source: FoW, pg. 120

Description: What initially appears to be a shirt woven from interlocking metal rings and wires is, in fact, a series of cables, anchored along a harness-frame that goes over the chest, back and stomach. When not being used, the Somatic Cables appear to be an odd, and ineffective, chain shirt or some kind of strange ceremonial garb. But whenever the wearer casts a spell that requires somatic components or the manipulation of material components less than 1/10th of a pound in weight, the cables automatically detach themselves as needed to perform the necessary part of the casting, leaving the wearer's hands free to carry, wield or be immobilized. without impacting the spell being cast.

All other aspects of casting the spell remains the same (arcane spell failure chance, concentration checks, the need for a spell component pouch, etc). A wearer of Somatic Cables can still cast while grappled, pinned or held, although he still needs to make the necessary concentration check for it. He can even cast spells with somatic components while paralyzed, so long as the source of the paralysis is not something that would effect animate magical items as well. Somatic cables cannot be used to manipulate objects that weigh more than 1/10th of a pound, meaning they cannot be used for attacks or combat maneuvers. Most skill use is also beyond their reach, but so long as any item manipulated is light enough, Disable Device and Sleight of Hand checks can be made with somatic cables, instead of the wearer's hands, but with a -5 penalty.

Construction Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Still Spell, Telekinesis

Construction Cost: 8,000 gp