Scorpion Belt of Vulkoor

Aura: Strong Transmutation; CL: 20th

Slot: Belt; Wgt: 4 lbs

Special Notes / Rules: Artifact

Source: SoX, pg. 156


This belt is made of interlocking pieces of firebrass and scorpion chitin. When worn, the wearer has the ability to transform, as a standard action that does not provoke, into and back from a humanoid-scorpion hybrid. While in this form, the wearer is considered one size category larger ,even through he still uses the same sized weapons and has the same reach with those weapons. He also gets a +6 sacred bonus to Strength (in addition to the size difference), a +8 to his natural armor class bonus (if any), a +10 sacred bonus to his land speed and a +6 to his CMD to resist being tripped (in addition to the size difference). Lastly he sprouts two pincers and a sting (with the base damage and reach appropriate to his new size category). These are considered secondary natural attacks. The sting has poison (Injury, DC 10 + 1/2 Hit Dice + Con modifier, 2d4 Con damage, 3 consecutive saves). He can maintain this form indefinitely, but his weight also increases by a factor of 8.

Any non-drow seen wearing or in possession of this belt will immediately draw the wrath of multiple drow tribes.