Winged Cape

Aura: Strong Transmutation; CL: 20th

Slot: Shoulders; Wgt: 30 lbs

Special Notes / Rules: Artifact

Source: RoE, pg. 178


A few sets of these have been found throughout Xen'Drik. Crafted to appear as a set of adamantine wings attached to shoulder straps, they provide the wearer a constant fly speed of 120' (perfect) and give two wing buffet attacks as secondary attacks (1d10 + 1/2 Str bonus, bludgeoning, crit: x2). These wing buffet attacks are considered adamantine and magical for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. Of the Winged Capes that have been found, three styles have become known: interweaving snakes, interweaving braids and a starburst pattern. The meaning of these designs are unknown.