Oceanic Adaptation

Price: 20,000 gp; Slot: 2 Arms; Type: Outsider (water); Weight: 8 lb; Install DC: 28; Implantation Value: 4

Aura: Moderate Transmutation; CL: 7th;

Special Notes / Rules: Implants

Source: MoE, pg. 133

Description: By replacing both of your arms with those of a water-based outsider, your arms appear to be made of blue glass, even though they still feel and function as flesh. You are able to act underwater as if you have a constant Freedom of Movement effect. You also gain a +2 untyped bonus on melee attack and damage rolls any time both you and your target are swimming or standing in at least 1 foot of water. This implant is designed for recipients that have two arms, but does not function unless all of the recipient's arms have been replaced. If the recipient has more than two arms, increase the cost by 50% and the implantation value by 1 for each arm beyond the second.

So long as you do not have any outsider implants that require the fire subtype, you gain a swim speed of 20 feet or improve an existing swim speed by 20 feet. This bonus stacks with other bonuses from outsider implants that require the water subtype.


Craft DC: 22; Cost: 5,000 gp

Requirements: Craft Implant (outsider), Freedom of Movement

Donor Requirement: Both arms or the essence of an outsider with the water subtype