Daelkyr - Subtype

Daelkyr are a race of outsiders, native to the plane of Xoriart, also known as the Plane of Madness. Without exception all Daelkyr are evil by the even the loosest moral standards of Khorvaire and likewise, they are also universally insane. This insanity, however, does not imply an incompetent state. In fact, it is the very madness of the daelkyr, often expressed with megalomania and extreme narcissism that proves them to be great and terrible enemies. Unless otherwise noted in a creature's entry, all daelkyr possess the following traits.

    • Aberration Traits (Ex): Daelkyr are unusually similar to aberrations, despite being outsiders. This extends to the fact that any material-based damage reduction that a daelkyr might possess is always overcome with byeshk as well as any effects that specifically target aberrations or treat aberrations differently affect daelkyr in the same, despite them being outsiders.

    • Alien Mind (Ex): Any attempt to read the mind of a daelkyr or contact it telepathically for any reason requires a Will save or be driven insane as per the Insanity spell. The DC for this saving throw is equal to 10 + 1/2 the daelkyr's hit dice + the daelkyr's Charisma modifier. If the alternate madness rules are used, a failed saving throw results with the victim being affected with one type of madness of the daelkyr's choosing, with the exception of Amnesia.

    • Daelkyr Traits: Daelkyrs have low-light and darkvision 60'.

    • Graft Mastery (Ex): All daelkyr have complete control over any attached symbionts or implants that they have. They always succeed any contest of Ego or conflict of personality. Likewise, they are proficient with all internal items that count as weapons or armor.

    • Immunities (Ex): All daelkyr are immune to disease, poison, ability damage, mind-affecting effects and any transmutation effect that they don't generate themselves. Daelkyr can choose to be affected by another's transmutation effect if desired, but doing so requires suspending their spell resistance.

    • Spell Resistance (Ex): Daelkyr have spell resistance equal to 8 + its Hit Dice. In games where the magic-psionics equivalency rule is not used, this also covers power resistance equal to 8 + its Hit Dice.

Most daelkyr also have a number of supernatural abilities that function the same way. They are detailed here for a common reference.

Aura of Madness (Su): As a free action, a daelkyr can trigger a 20-foot radius burst of insanity and confusion, centered on itself. Any other creature within the area of effect, except aberrations and other daelkyr, must make a Will save or be affected by a Confusion spell. The caster level for this effect is equal to the daelkyr's hit dice and the DC for the saving throw is equal to 10 + 1/2 the daelkyr's hit dice + the daelkyr's Charisma modifier.

Source: ECB, pg. 279