Serpentine Mirror

Aura: Strong Divination; CL: 13th

Slot: -; Price: 90,000 gp; Wgt: 400 lbs

Special Notes / Rules: Dragonmarked

Source: DGM, pg. 155

Description: This large mirror is made of solid mithral, polished to a mirror shine. It is often ringed with a snake motif, giving it its name. If someone with the Scrying Greater Mark of Shadow or Greater Scrying Siberys Mark of Shadow dragonmark spell-like abilities uses this mirror as the focus for their spell-like abilities, the mirror allows the duration to become indefinite, so long as that person remains conscious and within 1 foot of the Serpentine Mirror. This benefit does not apply to any other method of casting Scrying or Greater Scrying; only those from the Greater and Siberys Mark of Shadow dragonmark spell-like abilities.

Construction Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Greater Scrying, creator must possess the Greater or Siberys Mark of Shadow dragonmark.

Construction Cost: 36,000 gp and a Siberys dragonshard worth 9,000 gp