Dimensional Seal

Aura: Strong Abjuration; CL: 20th

Slot: Slotless; Wgt: 500 lbs

Special Notes / Rules: Artifact

Source: ECB, pg. 272


This massive stone disc is almost eight feet in diameter and over a foot thick. Covered in runes and inlaid with byeshk, this disc is an example of the craftsmanship of the ancient druids that first fought the invasion from Xoriat. While there is more than one Dimensional Seals, they only number in the few dozens and are located all over Khorvaire, usually in the deepest and most secretive of places. The reason for this is that a Dimensional Seal, when placed over the heart of a manifest zone, will completely end the effects of the manifest zone so long as it remains there. As a side effect of this sealing, an area around the Dimensional Seal, 2 miles in radius, is under the effect of a Dimensional Anchor spell.

Unlike other artifacts, Dimensional Seals are not immune to damage. In fact, they are no more resistant that magically treated stone and, if found, could easily be destroyed. Thus, it is the duty of the Gatekeepers to protect these seals. Sadly, they are like other artifacts in the fact that they are very difficult to repair and practically impossible to recreate. Thus, when a Dimensional Seal is lost, it is lost for good.