Treeback Carapace

Price: 40,000 gp; Slot: Body; Type: Plant; Weight: 40 lb; Install DC: 32; Implantation Value: 8

Aura: Moderate Transmutation; CL: 7th;

Special Notes / Rules: Implants

Source: MoE, pg. 136

Description: By replacing your skin with the bark of a tough plant creature, you get a +4 bonus to your natural armor class and a +4 circumstance bonus to saves versus polymorph effects. Lastly, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to saves versus mind-affecting effects. The bonus versus mind-affecting effects stacks with other plant implants.


Craft DC: 28; Cost: 10,000 gp

Requirements: Craft Implant (plant), Barksin, Plant Growth

Donor Requirement: The skin or bark of a plant creature with a minimum natural armor class bonus of +4