Optional Material Components

Pathfinder provided rules for optional material components used during spellcasting that provides an additional benefit. Unlike other optional material components, those listed below are not guaranteed to work all of the time. Regardless of success, the attempt uses up the optional material component.

Cathier Spleen:

The cathier, a small, harmless herbivore native to northern Khorvaire, has the magical ability to camouflage itself. The magic it possesses is concentrated in its spleen. When used as component for an illusion spell, a cathier spleen has a 60% chance of doubling the duration as per the Extend Spell metamagic feat, but without changing the spell's effective level. This does not stack with the actual Extend Spell metamagic feat.

Covadish Leaves:

Native to the island of Aerenal and highly prized by the Undying Court for its necromantic properties, the covadish plant is low-growing fern with blackish-blue leaves. When the leaves are used as a component for an necromancy spell, covadish leaves have a 30% chance of increasing the effective caster level by 2.

Dragonseye Acorn:

The dragonseye oak tree is native to Q'barra and its acorns come in a variety of vibrant colors. When used as a component for an evocation spell spell with an energy descriptor (acid, cold, electricity, fire or sonic), a dragonseye acorn has a 10% chance of empowering the spell as per the Empower Spell metamagic feat, but without changing the spell's effective level. This does not stack with the actual Empower Spell metamagic feat.

Hathil Root:

Known throughout the swamps of the Shadow Marches, this pale green tuber is useful in many polymorphic magics. When used as a component for a transmutation spell, hathill root has a 35% chance of increasing the saving throw DC by +1. This stacks with other sources that increase the saving throw DC.

Irian Crystal:

This transparent crystal glows with its own soft white light and is found near Irian manifest zones. When used as a component for a conjuration (healing) spell, irian crystals have a 15% chance of maximizing the spell as per the Maximize Spell metamagic feat, but without changing the spell's effective level. This does not stack with the actual Metamagic Spell metamagic feat.

Kieros Leaves:

Found only in the Madwood on Aerenal, this foul smelling plant is quite toxic. When used as a component for any spell with the death descriptor, the leaves of the kieros plant have a 30% chance of lincreasing the spell's saving throw DC by +2. This stacks with other sources that increase the saving throw DC.

Laskin Horn:

The laskin, a small antelope related to the mountain goat, can be found throughout northern Khorvaire. When used as a component for any spell that requires a touch attack (melee or ranged), the laskin horn has a 40% chance of providing a +1 circumstance bonus to the attack roll.

Mabar Crystal:

This inky black crystal is found throughout the underworld or near Mabar manifest zones. When used as component for an evocation spell with the darkness descriptor, mabar crystals a 40% chance of widening the spell's area of effect, as per the Widen Spell metamagic feat, but without changing the spell's effective level. This does not stack with the actual Widen Spell metamagic feat.

Masthin Shoots:

This plant, native to Q'barra, is known for natural toxin that is used an animal attractant. When used as a component for any enchantment spell that targets an animal or magical beast or targets a group that includes an animal or magical beast, mashtin shoots have a 40% chance of extending the spell's duration, as per the Extend Spell metamagic feat, but without changing the spell's effective level.


Believed to be the fossilized bones of demons, narstones can be found through the Demon Wastes. When used as a component for a conjuration (summoning) spell, narstones have a 20% chance of granting any creature or creatures summoned by the spell a +1 luck bonus to it's Armor Class for the duration of the spell.

Reath Leaves:

The leaves of this parasitic plant are known to the farmers of western Khorvaire as a natural weed killer. When used as a component for any spell that targets an plant or plant creature, or targets a group that includes a plant or plant creature, reath leaves have a 45% chance of increasing the saving throw DC by +2. This stacks with other sources that increase the saving throw DC.