

All kalashtar are descended from the original merging of good-aligned quori spirits and human hosts hundreds of years ago. Over time, this pairing eventually bred true into this unique race. But, in the generations since, there has been concern that the bond between spirit and flesh has begun to slip into complacency. Thus, martial leaders of the kalashtar have mastered a path by which the bond between a kalashtar and the quori spirit from which he is descended can be strengthened and honed into a fighting force against the Dreaming Dark and their forces among the Inspired.

Role: Atavists are combatants particularly geared to fight the forces of the Inspired and the Dreaming Dark. Kalashtar monks and soulknives are particularly drawn to their teachings, thus they tend to be the mobile part of front line combatants.

Source: RoE, pg. 133

Alignment: Atavists stand against a specific devious force of evil. Due to their outlook and their need for cooperation against the Dreaming Dark, they are always lawful good or lawful neutral

Hit Dice: d10


To qualify to become an atavist, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Alignment: Lawful good or lawful neutral.

Race: Kalashtar.

Special: Base Reflex Save +6, Base Will Save +6, minimum of 1 psionic power point, ability to obtain a psionic focus and either Unarmed Strike feat or form mind blade class feature.

Class Skills:

The atavist's class skills (and the key abilities for each skill) are Autohypnosis (Wis), Craft (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (planes) (Int), Knowledge (psionics) (Int), Perform (Chr), Profession (Wis). Avatists also gain class skills based on their spiritual lineage class feature (see below).

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Table: The Atavist

Class Features:

All of the following are class features of the atavist prestige class.

Weapons and Armor Proficiency: Atavists do not gain any new weapon or armor proficiencies.

Improved Call to Mind (Su): At 1st level, the atavist gains 2 additional uses per day of his Mindlink psi-like ability.

Spiritual Lineage: At 1st level, the atavist discovers (read chooses) the lineage of the quori spirit that he is descended from. Once this choice has been made, it cannot be changed. The list of available lineages is listed below. This choice also adds additional skills to the list of class skills for the atavist.

Aggressive: Your quori spirit favors action over discussion. Add Acrobatics, Climb and Swim to your class skills.

Cautious: Your quori spirit prefers to wait, watch and contemplate. Add Perception, Stealth and Survival to your class skills.

Insightful: Your quori spirit is curious. Add Appraise, Perception and Sense Motive to your class skills.

Sociable: Your quori spirit is friendly and talkative. Add Bluff, Diplomacy and Sense Motive to your class skills.

Unarmed Strike / Mind Blade Improvement: At 1st level, the atavist chooses either to improved his unarmed damage or, if he has the shape mind blade class feature, the benefits of his mind blade. Once this choice is made, it cannot be changed. If he chooses to improve his unarmed damage, his atavist class levels count as and stack with monk levels for determining the base damage of his unarmed attacks. If he chooses to improve his mind blade, his atavist levels count for determining the Enhance Mind Blade class feature, but not for any other class features.

Augmented Mindlink (Su): At 2nd level, the atavist is capable of contacting multiple targets with his Mindlink psi-like ability. At 2nd level and every even level thereafter, he can contact one additional target, to a maximum of 6 targets at 10th level. All targets must be within 15' of another target of the Mindlink.

Defensive Insight (Su): At 2nd level, the atavist is able to pull from his psychic reserve. By expending your psionic focus as an immediate action that does not provoke, you gain a +2 insight bonus to your AC and Reflex saves until the beginning your next turn. This bonus increases to a +3 at 6th level and a +4 at 10th level.

Supportive Mindlink (Su): At 3rd level, the atavist grants any ally that is currently contacted by his Mindlink psi-like ability a +1 morale bonus to Will saves. This bonus increases to +2 at 6th level and +3 at 9th level. The atavist does not gain this benefit himself, but can grant it to another atavist if he is contacted with the Mindlink psi-like ability.

Detect Possession (Su): At 4th level, the atavist is capable of detecting the presence of hostile quori and other outsiders that have possessed mortal creatures. By expending your psionic focus as a standard action that does not provoke and targeting a single creature within 30' and line of sight, you are able to determine if that creature is possessed and by what means (the specific kind of outsider or effect that is causing the possession). This power is not subject to spell resistance but automatically fails if the target creature is protected from having its thoughts read. This is considered reading the target's mind for effects that react to it.

Spiritual Focus (Su): At 5th level, the bond between the atavist and his quori spirit improves, providing a synergy between the two. So long as you are psionically focused, you gain the following benefit, based on which lineage you chose at 1st level. You instantly loose this benefit you loose or expend your psionic focus and immediately regain it whenever you regain your psionic focus.

Aggressive: Your quori spirit provides access to the Lunge feat, even if you do not qualify for it.

Cautious: Your quori spirit provides access to the Fleet feat.

Insightful: Your quori spirit provides you blindsight of 5'

Sociable: Your quori spirit provides you a +1 morale bonus to attack and damage as well as saves vs. fear effects

Quori Hunter (Su): At 7th level, the atavist's unarmed strike or mind blade, chosen from the Unarmed Strike / Mind Blade Improvement class feature, now counts as good-aligned and bypasses the damage reduction, if any, of outsiders of the quori subtype. This is separate from and in addition to any other augmentations to his unarmed strike or mind blade.

Banishing Strike (Su): At 8th level, you can attempt to dismiss a possessing creature out of its host up to three times per day. To do so, you must succeed in a melee touch attack as a standard action that does not provoke against the possessed creature. If you are successful, the possessed creature is subject to a Banish effect with the manifester level being equal to your atavist class level +5, or +10 if the possessed creature is an outsider of the quori subtype, and a saving throw DC equal to 16 + your Wisdom modifier, +5 if the possessed creature is an outsider of the quori subtype.

Personal Mindblank (Ps): At 9th level, the atavist is capable of generating a Personal Barred Mind psi-like effect once per day for up to 1 hour. Activating it or deactivating it is a standard action that does not provoke. The manifester level is equal to your atavist level +5.

Spiritual Union (Su): At 10th level, the atavist bond with his quori spirit is complete. The atavist gains a +4 insight bonus to three skills that the Spiritual Lineage added to the list of atavist class skills. Also, by expending his psionic focus, the atavist is able to take an extra standard or move action, provided that it is done on his turn. Doing so, however leaves the atavist with the dazed condition until the end of his next turn.